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Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework
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Make Pipeline Step Links More Obvious on #photogrammetry Page #19

Open julianrendell opened 4 years ago

julianrendell commented 4 years ago

This is a little embarrassing to admit after going to the home page many times over the last 6+ months... but I've only just discovered/realized that the pretty icons at the top of are links to a lot more, very useful, information.

(They also scroll off the top when you're reading on smaller screens.)

Perhaps a link at the bottom of each stage to the next?

This may also be an accessibility issue(?)

julianrendell commented 4 years ago

If it's as simple as adding some eg <a href="#photogrammetry/image_matching"> in the right spots, I can handle adding these and doing a PR. I think that will just work, but I'm not a JS dev; I think that will work with your page router but not 100% sure.