alicia86 / roll20-character-sheets

Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20.
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Armor Penalty Applied when not wearing armor #10

Open nwg5817 opened 5 years ago

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

Armor is giving a -2 penalty when checkbox is unchecked for wearing armor. Sheet is completely blank in armor but still giving -2 penalty.

Must manually delete ArmorType to remove the penalty. The checkbox is not working

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

Read here and can confirm on my game.

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

I've pushed out some fixes to try and get them merged with the main branch. Is there still any development on this sheet? I would like to be part of the team.

alicia86 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pushing the fix. Did you push it on the fork or on the roll20 master? Unfortunately, I haven't had the time recently to do any development, but I'd be happy to sit down with you and discuss it

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

Hey Alicia, I pushed it to the master. Not sure if that's the way you do it or if it needs to come through here. I tried to push it to this fork but it wouldn't allow it, not sure what I was doing wrong? Do you have a discord we could chat in?

Here is the push.

Fixed a small statblock error, size text had an extra } that was throwing off formatting and send to all statblock didn't work for NPC's, it was using "NPC" vs "PC" in the command.

Fixed the skill notes not showing on perception/initiative/stealth/pilot, seems the PC/NPC all use the same formulas under NPCs.

Armor Penalty bug where it didn't remove the penalty when armor was unchecked, tested and working. You had to manually edit armortype|max to fix ingame.

I did add a negative dex penalty modifier for flat footed so if DEX has a negative modifier it's counted and not if it's not.

I have another branch thats more testing features and pushing the envelope that I've been working on. I'd love to pick your brain on this to understand the sheet better.

One other thing to touch on. The half-level calculation is added into damage & skills. I compared a bunch of core rulebook statbooks and couldn't understand why the damage never came out right but the skills always did. If you look at the book it says for damage "1/2 Heroic levels" and skills "1/2 character levels". On the test branch I took the nonlevel|max call and set that to heroic+nonheroic /2 and set level|max to heroic/2, and that fixed all the statblock miscalculations when you put a core mob in the sheet. I didn't try to push this to roll20 though.

alicia86 commented 5 years ago

You can find me as aliciagd I'll need to look at the rules regarding the flat footed change, but sounds legit.

I'm assuming for the damage you're talking about non-heroic levels being added into damage?

I guess that was more personal preference as my npcs always seemed underpowered.

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

Think you need a # at the end if thats your discord handle, you can add Ailan#5401.

If you look at a Battledroid BD-1 on the character sheet he'd have 9 reflex 10 flatfooted, because the penalty was counted in the reflex calc but not flatfooted. Reflex Defense SWSE Dexterity Modifier: Nimble targets are more difficult to hit than slow ones. Add your Dexterity Modifier to your Reflex Defense. If you are Flat-Footed or unaware of an attack, you lose your Dexterity bonus (But not a penalty) to your Reflex Defense. If you are helpless (For example, knocked unconscious), calculate your Reflex Defense as if you had a Dexterity score of 0 (-5 modifier).

Lol, it was seriously irking me though when I'd use a statblock to make an NPC and the calculations had extra damage they weren't supposed to have. It might be better to have RaW for the official sheet and add to misc for the attacks as necessary for more powerful NPCs but ultimately it's your decision.

I couldn't find a good spot for the non-level/2 spot so I just had it hidden on the sheet and left the half hero levels into damage. Again this is just a "new-features" branch, not trying to push it, but that might be good to have in the vanilla saga sheet. It threw me for a loop when I had that extra damage and couldn't figure out why. Started wanting to modify non hero levels (that breaks skills) and it makes you doubt the sheet a little bit. Just IMHO!

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

For the sheet, I'm curious on the NPC- added to npc's and needing their own subset of attributes. Is there some roll20 requirement for this? I converted the NPC's to the PC's variant for defenses/added armor section/attack setup (Kept NPC-Repeating attack name) and it seems to work ok.

Reason is I was working on making a lot of attacks targetted and if I did for some reason want them to be able to target an attribute of a PC I needed them to be the same. Also I liked the format of those PC's sets more than the NPCs. I liked the dropdown boxes for attacks instead of the manual formula box and I liked the armor section in PCs as well. Is this going to cause issues with performance?

nwg5817 commented 5 years ago

Here's an example of the changes to NPC. Also moved condition tracker a little over so it wasn't overlapping. Also grapple section was being compressed a bit compared to the PC section.

LilLiteralist commented 2 years ago

"If you are flat-footed or unaware of an attack, you lose your dexterity bonus (but not a penalty) to your Reflex Defense." This is what the rules say on being flat-footed. So your flat-footed Ref should always include a penalty.

And no, the nonheroic levels should not contribute to damage. That comes only from heroic levels. This isn't something that should be changed just because of personal preference.