aliciafritz / Lazy-LinkingIn

CAS 502: Project Team 5 Group Assignment
MIT License
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Future Feature: Connection Recommendations #3

Open aliciafritz opened 5 months ago

aliciafritz commented 5 months ago

Connection Recommendations: recommend new connections based on your existing network.

aliciafritz commented 5 months ago

A possible python package could be Scikit-learn, which is a comprehensive machine learning library

willtbso commented 5 months ago

Might not be able to do "new" connections if the only data we can get from linkedin is our existing network. Instead the recommendation we can look for is a combination of "high value" and "not recently engaged" connections. So you could run these two commands sequentially to get your final list of recommended (re) connections

aliciafritz commented 5 months ago

Might not be able to do "new" connections if the only data we can get from linkedin is our existing network. Instead the recommendation we can look for is a combination of "high value" and "not recently engaged" connections. So you could run these two commands sequentially to get your final list of recommended (re) connections

  • High Value = connection that has x or more shared skills from a "desired" set of skills we'd need to create
  • Not Recently Engaged = connections that we have not interacted with (messaging and liking/commenting?) in the last 12 months

This is a good point; I don't think we'll be able to pull new connections. I think the only way to do this without using the LinkedIn API and making a request to their server, is to integrate a further web scrapping component where we use our network analysis feature to search the internet for recommended names/popular keywords instead of through the LinkedIn website/app so we don't have to work with the API.

I like your suggestion. If that doesn't work, another feature we could add here if this poses too many issues for our timeframe is to add a ranking feature based on a factor from the csv.

aliciafritz commented 5 months ago

Confirmed: We'll have to table this feature for now as the CSV data pulled from LinkedIn does not contain enough information to generate new recommendations