alicie232 / capstone-project
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(Data for db) List of tasks for the current day #5

Open alicie232 opened 2 years ago

alicie232 commented 2 years ago

Value Proposition

As a Developer I need data (a list with tasks and an image) to be able to fill the database.


Montags Heute setzen wir den Fokus auf das Bad.

Dienstags Heute sagen wir dem Staub den Kampf an. Schnapp dir den Staubsauger und los!

Mittwochs Mit Putzeimer und Lappen ausgestattet wischen wir heute feucht über die Oberflächen.

Donnerstags Fast geschafft! Heute sorgen wir für einen glasklaren Blick und duftende Bettwäsche.

Freitags Hunger? Mit Fokus auf die Küche erstellen wir heute den Menüplan für nächste Woche.

Samstags & sonntags Lehn dich zurück und genieß dein Wochenende!


Acceptance Criteria


(for developers team)

anresa commented 2 years ago

Hey Alice,

You did a great job in summing up a complex feature! To improve it even more, I have some feedback that I hope will be helpful. ☀️

The Value Proposition isn't quite clear to me in its phrasing. Maybe write something like " be able to check each task off as done."

Where are the funny pictures coming from? Are you using a database for them as well? If not, I'd create a separate task for that function.

chris-yooo commented 2 years ago

looks great to me

maybe add to acceptence crit. that you implement a static picture for sat. and sun. :) then you finished the goal from anna.

and for the developer description you can write down the insert for Monday Thuesday etc... direkt here in the markdown without the big second picture.


actyvystom commented 2 years ago

Hi Alice, I like the level of detail of your user stor(ies) :) But keep in mind that a user story should be short and as precise as possible, so you should reflect only one persona per user story. I suggest stripping the developer story to a new user story and then you are good to go with both of them ;) The level of detail for your template data is really extended but if you feel comfortable with keeping the template data inside your (developer) user story, this would also be fine.

chris-yooo commented 2 years ago

here same you added a list for the "db" datas

and the splited version between developer and user view are exciting!

maybe one cool thing is the random giphy for you sat and sun from this little tool: for maybe your 3rd user story :D

<3 it