alidezhihui / TimelyScrumBoard_z

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Let AI Only Creates the Schedule for those responded users #25

Open alidezhihui opened 9 months ago

alidezhihui commented 9 months ago

If some users do not respond to the group, then the cloud function won't initiate the AI-schedule calculation.

There are two solutions:

  1. calculate the schedule directly
  2. let users decide what's the next
    • move forward with those who have replied & list those that replied
    • wait longer

In Timely-Search-Script, branch Name: "slackbot-decision", In Timely-appengine, branch name: "prompt-decision"

alidezhihui commented 9 months ago

Design of the Second Option

  1. In reminder_handling(), if the current reminder's reminder time <= unixTimeStamp now AND typeATimes >= 2 then
    • send Slackbot a decision request
  2. Slackbot received decision request:
    • prompt slack user's decision making
    • If we need more time, then appEngine update typeAtimes => 1
    • If we want have the schedule right now, then send Cloud Function gettingAISchedule() request.
alidezhihui commented 9 months ago

Sub tasks:

  1. have a function handle the get request '/api/aischedule/meetingId'
  2. In slackbot, handle the request to ask users to make a decision.
alidezhihui commented 8 months ago

In branch: fall23-decision-functions, added two POST ports:

  1. /api/resume: resume the reminders
  2. /api/aischedule: schedule right now.

Testing Suggestions: For each new SlackMeeting Reminders, let 'typeATimes = 3' for quick test.