alidonet / GC97_ESP

GC97 meter via ESP8266
MIT License
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Error updating spiffs #1

Closed ulinieto closed 1 year ago

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

Hello, im trying to use your software. I charge the First bin, acces to web Server, but when I try to update spiffs, i get the no file error. What can i do to solve it?? Thanks in advance.

alidonet commented 2 years ago

I think, you can try to setup the credentials for your WiFi network at first and after that try to upload file via OTA. Also, you can try to use Arduino IDE (or any other similar software) and try to upload that file via "Sketch data upload" command.

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

I've tried to set youth WiFi credentials and doesn't work. I'm gonna tried to upload the spiff the way you say. Thanks

alidonet commented 2 years ago

I'll try to reproduce your issue with upload spiff. Can you describe, shortly, what is the issue with setup WiFi? Screenshots or event short video will be very good.

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

Hello, i've tried to upload the spiffs via sketch but no success. When i triy to set up te credentials of my wifi no success.


ulinieto commented 2 years ago

First i uplod "GC97_ESP.ino". After the upload i see de ap of the esp. I can access to the minimal web but i can't do nothing. Captura

alidonet commented 2 years ago

Yes, the issue is reproduced. Will try to find a workaround.

alidonet commented 2 years ago

Just uploaded the new version of the major GC97_ESP.ino.bin. Please update your ESP and try again. You can use the hard reset cmd to erase/restore the default settings via call Also you can track the ESP state/debug output via COM monitor.

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

Thanks, now it work. Tomorrow i'll connect de GC97.

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

Are there any possibility getting the password of the sources??

ulinieto commented 2 years ago

I.m sorry but i'm really interested in your sofware and i need to be sure that you haven't included malware and if you don't give access to your work i can't be sure is free of malware.

Thanks in advance.

alidonet commented 2 years ago

I understood. But at the same time I can tell that ESP is not so good platform for malware and I did it for myself at first. You can sniff the traffic and check how it works. Sorry, I don't want to share my sources, at least for now.

alidonet commented 1 year ago

Sorry for delay with answer :) Fixed in 230415. When upload via Arduino IDE you are specifying the wrong memory allocation. Now you can upload a single file or use http:///upload page and flash the .spiff.bin file on the second row option.