alienatedsec / yi-hack-v5

Even newer Custom Firmware for Xiaomi Cameras based on Hi3518ev200 Chipset. It includes free RTSP, ONVIF and other improvements based on the work by roleoroleo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No SSH, FTP and no config changes take effect after update to 4.1 #374

Closed waywit closed 3 months ago

waywit commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug I made a clean install on my both Yi Outdoor 1080p Cams (4DUS) with new SD Cards like described. Formatted the SDs in YI App and copied the folder back to sd card. Then I configured both cams from the scratch with hostnames, timezones and ... from the first start there was no ssd (activated on config), not rasp streaming (activated in config), no ftp (activated in config).

And I also mentioned that the settings made on the settings page does not be stored. Perhaps the whole thing has something to do with the other bugs about storing the config, but my config page looks like it is storing the values, but they do not have any effect. All ports stay closed on the camera.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Update Yi Outdoor 1080p 4CUS cam
  2. Change values on config page and reboot
  3. Config change are shown correctly on config page
  4. But do not have any effect

Expected behaviour Stored config changes take effect on the system, ssh access should work correctly. Storing settings

Screenshots The screenshot will show the expected state, but do not show the reality.

Set Up Details (please complete the following information): Hack (SD) Firmware Version: 0.4.1 Baseline Firmware Version: 0.4.1 Base Version: Model Suffix: yi_outdoor Hardware ID: 4CUS

Additional context

Technical Details

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

It could be a duplicate #366 ; however, its slightly different as you see changes but those are not applying.

Can you post the content of your /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf file? You can remove passwords and other sensitive data before posting

waywit commented 3 months ago

Where can I get it from without ssh, ftp and telnet..? I can access the Cameras only with webui... the only open port is 80. I am not sure if it makes sense to start over again...

I tried to reset one of my cams over the WebUI to yi-hack-defaults, which did not work and result in no WebUI. After formatting the sd card in Yi App, I can access the cam per FTP again and found a "yi-hack-v5" folder in /home folder... is this "normal"?

waywit commented 3 months ago

Just one additional information... after resetting the cam I put the "yi-hack-v5" folder back to sd card and restarted the camera. Config is rested and ssh enabled but port is closed and no connect possible.

waywit commented 3 months ago

:~$ nmap Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2024-03-23 12:59 CET Nmap scan report for xyz ( Host is up (0.028s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.50 seconds

:~$ nmap Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2024-03-23 12:59 CET Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.032s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.46 seconds

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

Start the camera without SD and see if telnet is working - please send some screenshots of the file structure

waywit commented 3 months ago

Hi, yes telnet and ftp are working without the sd card, but I am not sure which screenshots you need?

Here are some examples from ftp:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-23 um 13 13 07 Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-23 um 13 13 30
waywit commented 3 months ago

Just tested a little bit around... and I can mount the sd card in my linux machine, so if you need some of the files I can get them from the card... Here you can find the "system.conf" file, so all of my changes were stored there, but were not used to configure the system :-(


I also found a "wd_rtsp.log" file in the root of the sd card containing many lines of: 2024-03-23 12:57:36 - No running processes, restarting rRTSPServer ...

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

What do you mean by saying you can mount the SD card? Dont you use Windows?

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

Before you answer the above, can you execute vi in the console using a telnet connection?

waywit commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately no "vi" with telnet :-(

I have a linux server and there I tried to mount the sd card from my other yi cam... and it works :-) so I can access the full contents of the card... there I can see that my changes to the config are written to the files, but as stated above the system does not respect the config....

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately no "vi" with telnet :-(

Thats a good sign - it means you have the baseline loaded correctly :)

Do you have any problems with earlier versions? e.g. 0.3.8? I am trying to reproduce your issue and will let you know; however, I don't have the camera model as yours.

waywit commented 3 months ago

I am not sure which was the previous installed version, but I think it was the 0.4.0 with the busybox issue preventing from OTA updates... before I also used several releases of the yi-hack without issues.

Should I try to downgrade the cameras?

waywit commented 3 months ago

And the story continues ;-) I managed to update one of my Yi Outdoor Cams, a 4CUS model... I thought both were the same, but they are not. The other cam is a 9CUS and still not working, but now I have a different issue with the cam, it doesn't show "Baseline Firmware Version" in Web UI and the fat32error.txt is present on sd card. But the cam is accessible over ssh.

I formatted both cards with Windows 10 and FAT32 with standard cluster size and copied the same files to both sd cards. Is it possible that this has something to do with the sd card? I will try a different one tomorrow... Thank you very much for your help so far.

waywit commented 3 months ago

Today I got the second cam working again. I have used the "old" sd card, freshly formatted and with the 3.8 files on it. After that it came back online with ssh and Yi App saying sd card is okay. Then I used the new sd card again, freshly formatted and equipped with actual 4.1 files on it... and after this it is back online again including ssh. Storing conf and settings is also possible... I have no idea what I made different to the first update. Except perhaps I gave the cams more time to boot and before changeing any setting?!?! But this is only an idea...

If you need further information from me, do not hesitate to ask... but for me personally I will accept this as an anomaly of the universe ;-)

jkworth commented 3 months ago

I am currently having the same issue on my yi indoor 1080p U20 cameras. I do have to start with 0.3.8 but can only upgrade to 0.4.0. If i put 0.4.1 on, i can not alter the config at all and therefore not use it. For now I am staying with the 0.4.0. Let me know if there is any data/info you want to help troubleshoot. I can always put 0.4.1 back on a camera to collect any info you might need.

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

Can you check the permissions for system.conf on 0.4.1?

jkworth commented 3 months ago

i found 2 files with that name. here are the permissions on both:

/home/yi-hack-v5 # ls -al /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           645 Feb 24 15:30 /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf
/home/yi-hack-v5 # ls -al /home/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           645 Feb 24 18:49 /home/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf
/home/yi-hack-v5 # 

Let me know if you need anything else.

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

thanks @jkworth

I can't test the following but can you execute the below command and see if this fixes the problem?

chmod a+w /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf
jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec I am unable to make the change. There is no error but changes do not seem to take affect. I assume this might be caused by whatever umask the mount is using when mounting the sd card.

/tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc # ls -al sys*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           645 Mar 30 12:09 system.conf
/tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc # chmod a+w system.conf 
/tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc # ls -al sys*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           645 Mar 30 12:09 system.conf
alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth I don't have any problems with two of my cameras. I will need to test the above and reproduce the problem myself. Otherwise, we are less-likely to fix the issue

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth last one to try chmod 777 /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/etc/system.conf please.

jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec that also does not seem to work either. I am going to see if these work if I use 0.4.0 also.

jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec After some further pocking around here is what i found.

The permissions on the files when running 0.4.0 were the same as 0.4.1. I also could not change them but I could change the setting using the web page. When running 0.4.1 I can edit the .conf files manually and restart and they take affect. However the web page does not read all the values nor can it change the settings. So I don't think file permissions are the issue. I did notice that a rmm process is hogging the cpu for some reason when running 0.4.1. Hope something in all this helps.

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 9 44 48 AM
alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth how did you unpack the compressed 0.4.1 release?

  1. Using Windows and selecting Extract all which means only one step to get files.
  2. Using other extract tools e.g., 7zip - two step - extracting each compressed file
  3. Linux - double-click on the package that extracts automatically
jkworth commented 3 months ago

I use a Mac. So I just double click to unpack it.

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

I use a Mac. So I just double click to unpack it.

@jkworth can you try other, more common operating system 😉

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth I have redone two cameras in every possible way and couldn't reproduce the issue. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac system to follow, and I suggest checking the following folders as well.

ls -l /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/script/


ls -l /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/www/cgi-bin/


jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec I used a different linux system to extract the files. I get the same result. I also went looking for logs but found none anywhere on the device. I even turned on the debug flag in system.conf in hopes for a log file somewhere. Are there any logs to check?

Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 8 35 01 AM Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 8 35 17 AM
alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth Notice your files modified date is different than mine even I have redone the process yesterday. There is something not right in the way the files are being extracted.

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

@jkworth Lets try a different approach

Do you have any output if you follow those two commands? The second one needs executing in that folder

cd /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/www/cgi-bin 
QUERY_STRING='conf=system' ./
jkworth commented 3 months ago

Here are the results of running the command. I have also tried a number of different ways to unpack the files on to the SD card. I can even see the dates similar to yours before i remove it from my computer. Once its in the camera they have different dates.

/home/yi-hack-v5 # cd /tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/www/cgi-bin 
onf=system' ./ # QUERY_STRING='conf=system' ./
Content-type: application/json

}/tmp/sd/yi-hack-v5/www/cgi-bin # 

I will try later today to dust off my windows machine and try using windows too,

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

Just to confirm, which browser are you using? @jkworth Have you tried other browsers?

jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec Sorry for the delay but yesterday I finally got around to testing with windows. So i set my mac up to dual boot to windows 10. Used tar on the command like to unpack the tarball. Everything worked just fine. This blows my mind that it works but it did. I set up 2 of my cameras with no issue. I have been a software engineer for over 20 years and never seen something like this. So I plan to investigate more in to what my mac is doing to cause it all to not work on the device.

Thanks for the help.

alienatedsec commented 3 months ago

I am glad it is working - closing this ticket for now.

So I plan to investigate more in to what my mac is doing to cause it all to not work on the device.

Please, let me know how this ends

jkworth commented 3 months ago

@alienatedsec I went back to the mac and re-downloaded the tarball using FF and chrome. While the OS showed differences in them. Both seemed to now work using my mac. So at this point i am going to assume there was something wrong with the first download or the unpacking the first time around.

While both worked here is the different tarballs. the one ending in -2 was downloaded by chrome and the other by FF.

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 5 40 04 PM

Either way it all works. Even in my Mac. At this point I am going to blame high energy charged particles flipping bits on me. 🤣 👽