aliencube / microsoft-teams-actions

This is a GitHub Actions that sends a message to a given channel in Microsoft Teams
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Not able to pass output from earlier step as text #14

Open richa-p opened 2 years ago

richa-p commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to read a file and then send it in Text section but it's not working. Here is the sample:

Am I missing anything? Or this is not supported with the current version?

riker09 commented 2 years ago

Is this the content of your YAML file?

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Read scan results summary
      id: scan-results
      run: |
        SAST_SUMMARY=$(cat sast-summary.txt)
        echo "::set-output name=SAST_SUMMARY::${SAST_SUMMARY}"
    - name: Send a message to Microsoft Teams
      if: ${{ steps.pipeline-scan.outcome == 'failure' }}
      uses: aliencube/microsoft-teams-actions@v0.8.0
        webhook_uri: ${{env.WEBHOOK_URI}}
        title: 'Veracode Pipeline Scan found vulnerabilities in ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}'
        summary: 'Flaws Summary: '
        text: 'Flaws text: ${{steps.scan-results.outputs.SAST_SUMMARY}}'
        theme_color: a72828
        actions: '[{ "@type": "OpenUri", "name": "View Results", "targets": [{ "os": "default", "uri": "${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{github.run_id}}" }] }]'

(I have added the jobs to steps paragraphs)

Do you get any errors?

From my experience the workflow files are pretty fragile when it comes to single and double quotes. If your output SAST_SUMMARY contains single quotes this might break the second step since text is also single-quote-escaped.

richa-p commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your response. Correct that's the step configured in yaml file and SAST_SUMMARY may or may not contain single quotes.

I can give a try with double quotes, but then if for some reason SAST_SUMMARY has double quotes, then it will fail again.

riker09 commented 2 years ago

Yup, unfortunately that is something one must be aware of. I think you should opt for either double or single quotes and then take every action you can think of to make sure that the quotes are properly escaped.