alinebee / Boxer

The DOS game emulator that's fit for your Mac.
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Magic mouse buttin not working #101

Open JayMonkey opened 5 years ago

JayMonkey commented 5 years ago


I have latest build of Boxer (1.4.0) running on a iMac - MacOS Mojave 1.14.4

Using it to play some old PC games that i dug out from the loft, everything works great except the magic mouse button does not work as a mouse standard (left) click.

The CMD - Click function works fine to toggle the mouse between boxer and MacOS but no standard (left-click) when using magic mouse.

Has anyone else seen this issue and if so how to fix.

I have Boxer in the list of Sys Prefs -> Security & Privacy - Accessibility and checked.

I tried connection a standard USB wireless 3 button mouse but it too suffered from the same issue of not sending a standard right click ?

Other than the mouse button issue Boxer seems to run anything i can throw at it so far.

Have been able to use the Enter key or space bar as a mouse click but it's not a great solution.

Any help much appreciated ...

Cheers Jay

Edited: I meant a normal LEFT click, have edited above to reflect this.

almeath commented 5 years ago

Does right-click work normally for you within the macOS and other apps?

JayMonkey commented 5 years ago

Sorry .. I meant a normal Left Click .. I have an Apple Magic mouse

And yes it works fine in MacOs and all other Apps

Cheers Jay

almeath commented 5 years ago

So what you are saying is that your normal “left” mouse button works in macOS and all other apps, but when you launch a game in Boxer that supports a mouse, you can see and move the mouse cursor but clicking on the left button will not do anything? I just want to clarify, since a lot of DOS games do not support the mouse by default and need to be configured to do so. Those that work with a mouse by default should support both left and right click as long as you do not have an underlying mechanical problem with the device, or you are using third party macOS apps that are modifying the default functionality of your mouse.

almeath commented 5 years ago

To clarify my previous post, in Boxer (and DOS Box) you will not get any mouse functionality on the command prompt at all, although in windowed mode you will still be able to see your standard macOS cursor floating over the window. If you load a DOS game that supports a mouse, you should see the macOS cursor turn into the DOS game’s specific cursor when you command click into the window. In your particular case, are you seeing your Mac cursor change to the DOS equivalent cursor when you command click into the window?

JayMonkey commented 5 years ago

Hi almeath,

The game i was specifically running in boxer was Dune II which can only be played with a mouse, so maybe the issue is specific to that dos program/game.

However like i said, the moving of the mouse in the game works fine, but a left click does not do anything, i have an Apple Magic mouse which only has one button and by default normally mimics a left click.

I have also tried running boxer with a PC two button mouse plugged into a USB port, however it too suffers from no left click (or right click) working ... as with the Magic mouse the PC mouse both left click and right click buttons work fine in MacOS and all other Apps.

Cheers Jay

almeath commented 5 years ago

Have you tried any other mouse supporting DOS games to see if they are also affected? (to rule out the possibility there is a problem with your copy of Dune II).

JayMonkey commented 5 years ago

I tried running Dune II on a DOS emulator running on Windows via boot camp and it runs fine so its not the copy of it that it is the issue.

I will try and find another mouse supporting game to run in boxer .. i think i have a copy if Tie fighter up in the loft ... will report back on if it work or not.

Cheers Jay

almeath commented 5 years ago

If your other DOS games do not work either, can you try them in Boxer 2.0 alpha, linked below.