alinebee / Boxer

The DOS game emulator that's fit for your Mac.
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An attempt to apply the r4301 JIT PowerPC patches to leopard_legacy #112

Closed llamallama closed 2 years ago

llamallama commented 2 years ago

Hi there. Thank you so much for creating boxer. This PR is an attempt to apply the PowerPC JIT patches from to the leopard_legacy branch. When applied to stock Dosbox (r4301), you see a 4x improvement in performance on PowerPC platforms. This branch does compile and run, however it freezes when attempting run option 5 in These patches applied directly to r4301 do work, however.

I understand that I am attempting to apply patches from a nine year newer version of Dosbox to your version from, but it would be a boon to the still active PowerPC community to have these patches included if I could just get working. I'm am creating this in the hopes that you would be will to assist and let me know where I have messed up.
