alinebee / Boxer

The DOS game emulator that's fit for your Mac.
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standalone doesn't open display window when running #38

Closed RR7 closed 9 years ago

RR7 commented 10 years ago

i don't know if this is the place to post this or if i should just email in, i'm asking here for the benefit of others having the same problem.

the bundler/standalone app, when running the game box, doesn't display anything, you can here the game running, and the little icon bounces, but no display and the related display options in the menu bar are greyed out. is this a known issue?

RR7 commented 10 years ago

i just wanted to add to this, i'm building under Xcode 5 on mavericks. i did have a similar problem when compiling the test SDL2 'open a window then close it' tutorial app, but that seems to have just stopped happening, no luck with this though. not sure why i thought that boxer wasn't using SDL anymore.

i've noticed that if you swap the standalone executable in the got apps, sometimes the same thing happens.

alinebee commented 10 years ago

This is happening because Boxer's UI layer is throwing an uncaught exception: the emulation code keeps running (hence you keep hearing audio) but the UI layer is no longer responding, so the window never appears.

In cases like these - where Boxer does not crash outright, but stops responding - then you can get useful information about the cause from OS X's Any error messages Boxer produced will be printed there. (You'd normally get the same information on the debug console when testing Boxer through XCode, but that isn't possible to do with standalone game apps.)

Now, as to why it's throwing an uncaught exception: that's because the standalone version's program selection UI has been broken by some changes I've been making to the program selection UI in the regular Boxer. I'll try and get this back to a runnable state this week, but have been rather busy since the new year.

Saleck commented 10 years ago

Any update on this issue? It's been a while since the issue was reported.

Saleck commented 10 years ago

I guess not

alinebee commented 9 years ago

This issue is belatedly fixed by the changes in and those following it.