alinebee / Boxer

The DOS game emulator that's fit for your Mac.
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Anyone know how to not cut off the folder background image? #57

Closed davidrenne closed 9 years ago

davidrenne commented 9 years ago

Any ideas? Seems like after so many games it cuts off on OSX.

alinebee commented 9 years ago

Finder does not tile folder backgrounds, and it limits background images to a maximum of 8000x8000 pixels or the maximum texture size of your GPU, whichever is smaller. Boxer generates a background as large as it can, but this is not enough for folders with lots of games.

Finder's limits are unfortunately out of Boxer's control; the problem can only really be avoided by replacing the folder background hack with a full in-app browser UI (which would be able to display the games however it likes).

The workaround for now is to organize your games into subfolders. When you next click "Browse your games" in Boxer, it will apply the shelf background style to all subfolders it finds in the DOS Games folder.

davidrenne commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much for that info! I will create sub directories

davidrenne commented 9 years ago

While I have you on here. If I were to recompile the project to automatically fetch images. How might I accomplish that and which files should be noted to add that feature?

alinebee commented 9 years ago

What do you mean by automatically fetch images?

davidrenne commented 9 years ago

Well to go out to a domain or google search for "DOS GAME" + Automatically generated name in your text box.

Get some JSON images and then fetch the first image and people could just remove these or overwrite them if they are incorrect.

Unfortunately my apple email is not on a "Mac development team" and I dont want to spend 99 dollars a year just to recompile this thing. Apple really steals dev money here with this annual subscription.

alinebee commented 9 years ago

You should be able to compile Boxer without a developer account by doing the following steps:

  1. click on the blue "Boxer" entry at the top of the sidebar to display the Boxer project settings.
  2. Select "Boxer" under the "Targets" heading.
  3. Set the "Signing" toggle from "Developer ID" to "None".

As for automatically fetching cover art for a game... you may want to start with _generateGameboxWithError: in BXImportSession.m, line 1521 and onward. When importing a game, BXImportSession first checks the game's folder to see if it contains an icon file that could be used. If it can't find one, it generates a "bootleg" icon (e.g. a picture of a CD case with the game's name written on it) and uses that instead.

You could add an intermediate step in that method that hits the google image search API, downloads the image for the top result, converts it to an NSImage and supplies that image as the icon. If you want Boxer to apply its shiny box appearance to the image as well, then you can call [BXCoverArt coverArtWithImage: theImageYouDownloaded] and get a cover-artified NSImage back.

(The _generateGameboxWithError: method is expected to run synchronously, and a network request would thus have to block execution until it gets a response. That method and its call site should be redesigned to be properly asynchronous, but that is a larger undertaking that's not critical to the initial implementation of your feature.)