alinmear / docker-conanexiles

A docker container to easily provision and manage a conanexiles dedicated server using wine
MIT License
105 stars 74 forks source link

Update issues after revamp #34

Closed Andargor closed 4 years ago

Andargor commented 5 years ago

Pulled the latest image. A previously working instance is not longer restarting after an update, and the update doesn't seem to be applied.

I tried running the update manually:

supervisorctl start conanexilesUpdate

2019-01-26 21:59:03,202 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 814
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...2019-01-26 21:59:05,140 INFO success: conanexilesUpdate entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
force_install_dir /conanexiles
app_update 443030 validate
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 11.83 (238513527 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 27.69 (558373136 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 46.74 (942411025 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 66.08 (1332548513 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 85.33 (1720611043 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 96.81 (1951999781 / 2016424146)
Success! App '443030' fully installed.
2019-01-26 21:59:21,013 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 0; expected)


Warning: Update seems to have failed. Installed build (3488966) does not match available build (3498259).
>> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_stop
2019-01-26 22:26:34,955 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 1370
2019-01-26 22:26:35,957 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
conanexilesServer: started

But when I restart the server, it says it's not the latest version:

>> INFO: New build available. Updating 3488966 -> 3498259
>> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_start
>> DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 15 minutes


2019-01-26 22:21:13,869 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
2019-01-26 22:21:14,039 INFO stopped: conanexilesServer (terminated by SIGTERM)
conanexilesServer: stopped

After every restart, it shuts down like this for an update, but then never actually updates or starts the server.

Docker run command:

docker run -d -p 7777-7778:7777-7778 -p 7777-7778:7777-7778/udp -p 27000-27015:27000-27015 -p 27000-27015:27000-27015/udp -p 32330:32330 \
-e TZ="America/Montreal" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_HarvestAmountMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerXPRateMultiplier"=1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallConversionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemConvertionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleThirstMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveThirstMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleHungerMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveHungerMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayCycleSpeedScale"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayTimeSpeedScale"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NightTimeSpeedScale"=4.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LogoutCharactersRemainInTheWorld"="False" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DurabilityMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DropEquipmentOnDeath"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EverybodyCanLootCorpse"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemSpoilRateScale"=1.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallExclusionRadius"=100 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_UnconsciousTimeSeconds"=3600 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DisableBuildingAbandonment"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EnablePurge"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName"="AndargorPlayground" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort"=32330 \
-v /local2/conanexiles:/conanexiles --name conanexiles --security-opt apparmor=docker-ptrace --restart=always alinmear/docker-conanexiles
Andargor commented 5 years ago

I deleted the manifest file and it seems the update worked this time.


Perhaps this should be deleted every time during conanexilesUpdate? I will keep an eye on the server for the next few days.

TBK commented 5 years ago

I have not experienced the issue you describe.

Have you experienced it since using your workaround?

Andargor commented 5 years ago

Not since I reported it. I'll reopen if it happens again.

sephallen commented 5 years ago

I'm still getting this. Deleting the appmanifest file fixes it until the next update.

Andargor commented 5 years ago

Reopening in case others have the same issue. I have not seen it again, although there doesn't seem to have been a game update for me recently.

TBK commented 5 years ago

@sephallen When did you build your image?

sephallen commented 5 years ago

@TBK 6 weeks ago.

TBK commented 5 years ago

From my research it is related to steamcmd. I am looking into an alternative.

hardiselg commented 5 years ago

After update my conan server will not restart. It keeps saying

Warning: Update seems to have failed. Installed build (0) does not match available build (3530875).

even after applying the updates and removing the appmanifest_443030.acf file.

Is anyone else having this problem?

EDIT: Got it working. Had to remove the volume entirely. To be noted make a backup of your server save folder before removing volume. It is inside the volume.

TBK commented 5 years ago

@sephallen did you try what hardiselg suggested?

sephallen commented 5 years ago

@TBK yes I did, and it worked for me too!

TBK commented 5 years ago

Super, I am guessing it is a user or permissions issue. Would be great if anybody else experiences this could make a dump of the permissions before and after using hardiselg solution.

sephallen commented 5 years ago

@TBK it could well be a permission error, but I don't believe caused by the user.

I say this because my docker has started showing the same symptoms again as of the most recent Conan server update.

hardiselg commented 5 years ago

Automated update does not work for me, so basically I do the update manually every time as I described above. Essentially what happens is it does the update, or ties to do it. And then the version check fails. After that the server will be restarted and the same cycle happens.

After the validation I get this error: Error! App '443030' state is 0x406 after update job.

EDIT: Today there was another update and I let the scripts do it automatically however the update failed. Previously I did the update manually. I followed the update log very closely and it seams that the scripts did not get the version of the new update?

>> INFO: New build available. Updating 3698784 -> 
>> DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 15 minutes
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...FAILED.  Timed out.
force_install_dir /conanexiles
app_update 443030 validate
ERROR! Timed out waiting for AppInfo update.
Warning: Update seems to have failed. Installed build (3698784) does not match available build ().

EDIT2: Adding extra app_update 443030 validate line to the install.txt file fixed the update problem for me.

alinmear commented 4 years ago

app_update 443030 validate has been already added to the install.txt. Closing this issue