Hey @alinmear ,
first of, love your work, its awesome, thanks a lot!
As a feature request, i would love to see an environment variable in the Dockerfile, maybe something similar like CONANEXILES_Update_Timer=15 so its possible to set the update-interval down from 15minutes to like 3 or so.
At the moment its static in the conanexiles_controller (Bash) in the update function on line 116 and in the rcon-cli its like semi static on line 58 def shutdown (my Pyhton is basically non existent sorry for that) as far as i understand. Also the readme.MD might need a change.
Hey @alinmear , first of, love your work, its awesome, thanks a lot!
As a feature request, i would love to see an environment variable in the Dockerfile, maybe something similar like CONANEXILES_Update_Timer=15 so its possible to set the update-interval down from 15minutes to like 3 or so.
At the moment its static in the conanexiles_controller (Bash) in the update function on line 116 and in the rcon-cli its like semi static on line 58 def shutdown (my Pyhton is basically non existent sorry for that) as far as i understand. Also the readme.MD might need a change.
Do you thing we can do that?