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Survey and Interview #6

Open AnnabelleBuda opened 6 years ago

AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago

Survey: Practical Demonstrations for Primary School Science

AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago

Possible Changes:

Potential Interview Questions/ topics:


  1. Do you have a background in science?
  2. When did you graduate?
  3. How long have you been teaching?
  4. Have you always been a teacher or did you move from another career?
  5. Are you comfortable teaching science?
  6. How do you spend your leisure time/ what are your out of school interests?

School structure

  1. Ask more questions about hierarchy in their primary school.
  2. Does the school have specialist teachers for certain areas (e.g. literacy, numeracy, sport, science, gifted/talented, support, ESL)?
  3. Is science conducted in individual classrooms or with combined grades?
  4. Are resources shared between classes or bought per class?
  5. What kinds of resources do they already have access to for science?
  6. Are resources shared between classes or bought per class?
  7. If resources are shared between classes are they stored in a central location and returned there after use?
  8. Are you aware of what proportion of funding is directed towards science in your school?

Lesson Approach/ Needs

  1. Is it alright if a practical experiment extends over a couple of sessions, each with it’s own reflection questions?
  2. How many hours per week do you spend delivering science lessons?
  3. In group work, what is the ideal number of students per group?
  4. What aspects of the physical world syllabus point would benefit from a practical demonstration?
  5. How much of these resources are purchased by the class teacher out of pocket?
  6. What do you expect this science kit will help with in your classes?
  7. Would cross-curricular activities be more effective than those purely aimed at science topics?
  8. Which non-science topics would be most useful to link with practical science lessons?
  9. How much time/ what is involved in preparing for a science lesson?
AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago

Possible research questions:

AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago


AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago

Science cube protocol: Interview ethics approval

Aim/ Orientation

The project focuses on the development of resources for STEM activities aligned to the Stage 3 science syllabus to promote teacher confidence in teaching science. It will consist of science kits containing information and resources for practical demonstrations and experiments for students which will be distributed through NSW primary schools to engage the students in science and guide the teachers along the syllabus points.

The science kits will then be adapted for use in schools throughout Australia with a focus on: Templates to allow for the creation of new science kits Cross-curriculum learning Self-sustainability of the overall program through online discussion forums for teachers

This study will consist of a small number of qualitative interviews conducted in person to gauge the interest and viability of the above project. The information gathered through these interviews will be used to develop survey questions which will aim to identify logistical issues in the project and the direction that the project will take with regards to subject matter and scale.

Participants: Qualitative interviews Participants will be identified by name and the sample size will be small (<15). Participants will be known to the researcher and will be contacted via email.

Consent will be obtained: Participants will be given a PIS and asked to fill out a PCF The interviews will be recorded by audio and with field notes. Each interview will be <1 hour Travel is unnecessary for participants, the interviews will be held at their convenience.



Public schools in NSW

Prior to any research being carried out in NSW Schools the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) stipulates that you must gain approval through the State Education Research Approvals Process (SERAP).

  1. Obtain ethics approval from The University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee.

  2. Complete the online DEC application form.

  3. Your application requires endorsement and indemnification by the University. Prior to submitting the DEC application form, a research application agreement must be downloaded and signed by the Chief Investigator and the Research Portfolio. The agreement serves as a confidential declaration and indemnification. Email a pdf copy of the signed form and your SERAP application to Within the text of the email state:

    • the University HREC protocol number, and
    • the status of the ethics approval: pending (include date submitted) or approved (with date).
  4. The signed research application agreement will be returned via email. Attach this document to the DEC application form as per the instructions in the SERAP Guidelines and submit.

    1. DEC will contact successful applicants with an approval letter to conduct research in NSW Government Schools. Private or independent schools Approval from the school principal. Catholic schools Approval from the Catholic Education Office in the relevant Diocese. Approval from the school principal In all research at schools, the final decision to participate is at the discretion of the school principal.

Forms and Templates for Ethics Applications:

Human Ethics Online Questionnaire Application From Participant Consent Form Template Participant Information Statement Template

Edited Forms:

Participant Consent Form Qualitative Interviews Participant Information Statement Qualitative Interviews

AnnabelleBuda commented 6 years ago

Survey Software Options:

Final survey form will not use google forms, instead we will use alternative survey software.

Online Surveys

Lime Survey CHSM Survey Builder