alinz / react-native-share-extension

react-native as an engine to drive share extension
MIT License
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Roadmap - new maintainers #123

Open isaachinman opened 5 years ago

isaachinman commented 5 years ago

Hello @alinz and @AndrewHenderson!

@alinz Was kind enough to respond to my email immediately and let us know his wishes for the repo going forward:

  1. Every single PR must be reviewed
  2. Semantic versioning must be followed
  3. A roadmap must be created

So, this issue itself aims to fulfil the third requirement. I am maintaining some other OS projects in addition to normal work and am very busy already, so my efforts for react-native-share-extension will largely be to support @AndrewHenderson in any way he needs.

So with that in mind, perhaps @AndrewHenderson can give us some ideas for a roadmap?

In general it has been quite some time since the project has been maintained, so probably the first item of concern will be to clean up old issues, merge (if possible) long-standing PRs, and in general get the repo back in good health.

Of course, maintaining OS RN projects can be very troublesome due to frequent (and breaking) RN releases, so I imagine that is why @alinz made a point to stress semantic versioning.

We should also discuss deployment via npm.

AndrewHenderson commented 5 years ago

Thanks @isaachinman 👍

I started to go through old issues and PRs yesterday. There are some long awaited features that actually have PRs. I'll continue to review issues and PRs and outline a roadmap. I'm a JavaScript engineer and my Objective-C and Android/Java knowledge is limited, so I'll do my best to review and offer feedback. We'll need collaborators strong in both languages and platforms to help review.

Here's a start of which features I think we should add to v1.3.0:


  1. Share multiple files
  2. Share various formats (i.e. audio, video, etc.)
  3. Share URL for Deep Linking support
  4. Share images hosted remotely by third-party apps:


  1. Certain React Native APIs not working in Share Extension (i.e. Alerts, Animation, etc.)
  2. Extension does not shutdown properly on both platforms. Second launch on iOS causes a crash On Android a transparent overlay blocks the app UI when finished sharing and requires the use of the hardware back button to remove.


1.3.0 should incorporate proper testing for this project moving forward

I'm open to more suggestions. I'm sure I'll have more to add after reviewing the issues.

tallen11 commented 5 years ago

@AndrewHenderson, I have experience with Objective-C as well as Javascript now and I'm currently using this package in a production app (and dealing with its issues ;) ) and can offer help if needed!

isaachinman commented 5 years ago

@AndrewHenderson I've opened a milestone for 1.3.0. Let's associate all necessary issues with it, and try to get things moving.

jvandenaardweg commented 5 years ago

Hi @isaachinman @AndrewHenderson @alinz ! Great there are new maintainers. Found out this is kinda the only working repository to get a share extension working using React Native. Props for that!

Could you give a little update on where it goes from here?

As the last message is from 4 months ago, it would be great if you guys can take a look at some PR's. I think the ones updating the README could be merged right away

isaachinman commented 5 years ago

@jvandenaardweg I've approved #141 and #148. Let's see if @AndrewHenderson has some time to give a second review and merge.

Unfortunately I am extremely busy these days and have transitioned back to mostly Node/web work, so I'm not the best suited to take the lead on maintaining this repo.

djorkaeffalexandre commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, I has interest in that! I'm working with this lib on [Rocket.Chat.ReactNative] and love that.

djorkaeffalexandre commented 5 years ago

@alinz ??

vmaark commented 4 years ago

@isaachinman @AndrewHenderson are you looking for maintainers at this point? There are some PRs which would be nice to see merged

isaachinman commented 4 years ago

Hi @vujevits, do you have platform-specific skills? What exactly would you like to see merged?

vmaark commented 4 years ago

e.g. #145 fixes the yellow box warning. I'm not looking for becoming one at the moment, but it would be good to see what's the status. There are quite a few unmerged PRs, many of them without comments, so it's hard to know what is going on, are these being reviewed, etc.

isaachinman commented 4 years ago

@vujevits Our current problem (and an ongoing one for any RN repo) is that we lack platform-specific experience, so it's hard to get these PRs reviewed/merged. I have moved away from RN work professionally, so I'm less involved in this repo lately.