aliozgur / SeqApps

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Seq.App.Atlassian.Jira 0.2.5/0.2.6 NuGet package missing Handlebars.dll #13

Closed MattMofDoom closed 2 years ago

MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

Hi @aliozgur,

I noted this on #12 but just in case you don't see it - the 0.2.5 NuGet package is missing Handlebars.dll, so the app fails when installed to Seq. I normally use Appveyor to build, test, and publish to NuGet so I setup the project the same as my apps to automatically include it when the NuGet package is built, but assume you're generating it differently (eg. With a nuspec) and that it's missing out the dependency.




MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

@aliozgur You're probably still looking into this, but I noticed the 0.2.6 package on Nuget and tested - still the same issue with Handlebars missing ☹

If I open the .nupkg of my test build, I see the below. Believe the only essential ones are Handlebars, Seq.App.Jira, and SeqApps.Commons.


Your 0.4.6 package only contains Seq.App.Jira.


May need something like for packing with a .nuspec, and pointing at the appropriate release path for the DLLs.

FWIW - I fetched and merged your master back to my fork, and if I build it in Visual Studio with "Generate Nuget package on build" left enabled, the resulting .nupkg in the release folder is correct, so that might also be an option for a manual upload to Nuget, although you'll probably want to correct the package version 😊

MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

@aliozgur Never mind - looks like you've sorted it out with 0.2.7. Will test 😊

MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

@aliozgur Looks like the Handlebars issue is resolved in 0.2.7, but there is an error when posting to Jira in loading Newtonsoft.Json.dll v13.0.0.0.


Looking at the .nupkg, it appears that the v13.0.1.25517 version has been packaged, instead of the expected v12.0.3.23909. Not sure how - checked the Nuget package manager and it's still at v12.0.3, which is right for the current release of Seq. I checked the version included in the release folder and it's v12, so I guess it's being drawn from elsewhere?

aliozgur commented 2 years ago

@MattMofDoom I'll look into this as well

aliozgur commented 2 years ago

@MattMofDoom 0.2.8 published. Can you please check and let me know the result. image

MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

Hi @aliozgur,

It's still referencing Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.

After completing a fetch and pull to my local machine, I now see the issue - the version in Nuget Package Manager had been updated to 13.0.1.

I see you want to add project key property mapping but it looks like it could use a little bit more code to work as intended. I'll send a fresh pull after I've corrected the Newtonsoft.Json issue and tweaked this 😊



MattMofDoom commented 2 years ago

@aliozgur Found the issue. SeqApps.Common was still referencing Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.1.

I've added the setting for project key property which allows the project key setting to act as a fallback if the property isn't matched.

Pull request coming shortly.