alipay / Owfuzz

Owfuzz: a WiFi protocol fuzzing tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to run Owfuzz with a wireless network card #1

Open hustwyk opened 2 years ago

hustwyk commented 2 years ago

The intro says "Owfuzz can also use a wireless network card that supports monitor mode and frame injection", so I just have a try:

  1. Setup Owfuzz on my Kali virtual system, the compilation goes well.
  2. Plugin a wireless network card, change its mode to monitor by iwconfig.
  3. To fuzz client, I have to use AP mode, so I start a hostpot by hostapd, thus I can make my client in the same network with my Kali, and I get the ip of my client and take it as the parameter of I.
  4. Then I start Owfuzz by sudo ./owfuzz -i wlan0 -m ap -c [channel] -t [sta-mac] -b [ap-mac] -s [ap-mac] -T 2 -A WPA2_PSK_TKIP_AES -I [sta-ip]

Then the problem comes: the function init in fuzz_control.c will restart my wlan0 interface, which will shutdown my hostpot, and the fuzz result seems abnormal. I guess the fuzzer cannot communicate with my client.

Then I trys to comment these codes kismet_interface_down, kismet_set_mode, kismet_interface_up. However, the fuzzer will go error which says the channel is not matched, which means kismet_set_channel is not working. The reason may be the comment. However I have no idea dealing with it. Any ideas?

It'll be more helpful if there is a manual of how to use owfuzz on a wireless network card.


E7mer commented 2 years ago

Owfuzz and hostapd do not use the same wireless network card. You can use a wireless router as the AP.

MamonthPenis commented 2 years ago

@E7mer And how you suggest to do it? So if I want to have client fuzzed from AP with encryption. Could you please write step by step how to make this possible?

E7mer commented 2 years ago

The client connects to the AP and then, sudo ./owfuzz -i [interface-name] -m ap -c [channel] -t [sta-mac] -b [ap-mac] -s [ap-mac] -T 2 -A WPA2_PSK_TKIP_AES -I [sta-ip]

MamonthPenis commented 2 years ago

So, the AP is not openwifi board configured as AP?

E7mer commented 2 years ago

No, just a normal AP