Hi, I think that LTAeLQ1K2EaTgNkk in BS00104Controller.java is not the standard format of Aliyun access key. Therefore, I'm unsure if this should be considered as an access key leakage.
Hello, thank you for discovering the bug. We have modified the Aliyun access key in DAST shooting range /sensitive/BS00104 to comply with the specifications
Hi, I think that
in BS00104Controller.java is not the standard format of Aliyun access key. Therefore, I'm unsure if this should be considered as an access key leakage.https://github.com/alipay/ant-application-security-testing-benchmark/blob/885cde0d8b6c860c3eabbb241e2e6544804a494b/dast-java/src/main/java/com/alipay/antbenchmark/controller/bs/BS00104Controller.java#L26
However, the scorecard for BS00104 categorizes this as a vulnerability.
Could you please clarify which one is the expected behavior? Thank you.