alipay / mPaaS

mPaaS Demo 合集,mPaaS 是源自于支付宝的移动开发平台。The collection of demos for mPaaS components. mPaaS is the Mobile Development Platform which oriented from Alipay.
Apache License 2.0
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ios工程集成离线容器后有问题 #37

Open godson1991 opened 4 years ago

godson1991 commented 4 years ago

你好!工程集成SDK后,仿照Demo调用加载在线网页方法无反应:日志一直打印The service specified by name 'MPDefaultConfigService' not found.容器的viewDidload方法都走了,但是网页显示不出来(没有任何反应,跟网页没关系百度也打不开).哪位大牛给解答一下哪里配置有问题?万分感谢