alippo-com / GrowthBook-SDK-Flutter

An open-source feature flagging and experimentation platform that makes it simple to alter features and execute A/B testing.
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Realtime Updates #51

Open LucasBourne opened 9 months ago

LucasBourne commented 9 months ago


As you may be aware, GrowthBook have recently added support for realtime updates, allowing changes to features to be picked up in real time. Currently this feature is only available for the React SDK, and I would love it if the Flutter SDK also offered support for this.

We're currently having to poll GrowthBook manually to achieve functionality close to realtime updates, but being limited to 10M API calls per month means we have to put a lot of consideration into the frequency of polling as our number of users increases. Utilising GrowthBook's new support for realtime updates would greatly alleviate this issue, allowing us to only make API calls when our features are updated.

princebansal commented 9 months ago

Thanks Lucas. Sounds like a great update. We'll definitely look into it and incorporate it soon.

KennethMurugu commented 2 months ago

I've noted version 3.3.0+0 has a backgroundSync parameter. Does this mean realtime updates are now supported on the Flutter SDK?

princebansal commented 2 months ago

@DK070202 Can you comment here?