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I failed to try other models with glycolysis code #6

Open chenyv118 opened 1 year ago

chenyv118 commented 1 year ago

I am trying to solve the ODE equation based on a model that modifies the glycolysis reaction, but the loss function keeps reporting nan and I can't get the result, even if I set the loss_weights of the ODE to 0, it doesn't help, the first 15 of the 17 state variables have a loss of nan. I hope someone can help me find the cause of the problem if possible.

The ODE equation of the system is as follows.


The code for data generation is as follows:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from data_config import *
from k_config import *

K = [Vreactf, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4, k_5, k_6, k_7, k_8, k_9, k_10, Fa, CoAlco, af, Ae]

def enzymatic_biodiesel_model(t, k=None):
    if k is None:
        k = K
    CoAlco = k[22]
    af = k[23]
    Ae = k[24]
    Vreactf = k[0]

    def ode_func(x, t):
        T, D, M, BD, FFA, G, W, CH, E, EX, ET, ED, EM, ECH, Ef, Vp, V = x
        if t <= 120:
            Fa = k[21][0]
            Fa = k[21][1]
        if x[16] >= Vreactf:
            Fa = 0

        aT = af * (Vp / V)
        Af = (aT - Ae * (E + EX + ET + ED + EM + ECH)) / Ae

        r1 = k[1] * Ef * Af - k[11] * E
        r2 = k[2] * T * E - k[12] * ET
        r3 = k[3] * ET - k[13] * EX * D
        r4 = k[4] * D * E - k[14] * ED
        r5 = k[5] * ED - k[15] * EX * M
        r6 = k[6] * M * E - k[16] * EM
        r7 = k[7] * EM - k[17] * EX * G
        r8 = k[8] * EX * W - k[18] * FFA * E
        r9 = k[9] * EX * CH - k[19] * BD * E
        r10 = k[10] * CH * E - k[20] * ECH

        rg = (r7 * V * 92 / 1261)
        rw = (-r8 * V * 18 / 1000)

        return [
            -T * Fa / V - r2,
            -D * Fa / V + (r3 - r4),
            -M * Fa / V + (r5 - r6),
            -BD * Fa / V + r9,
            -FFA * Fa / V + r8,
            -G * Fa / V + r7,
            -W * Fa / V - r8,
            (CoAlco - CH) * Fa / V - (r9 + r10),
            -E * Fa / V + (r1 - r2 - r4 - r6 + r8 + r9 - r10),
            -EX * Fa / V + (r3 + r5 + r7 - r8 - r9),
            -ET * Fa / V + (r2 - r3),
            -ED * Fa / V + (r4 - r5),
            -EM * Fa / V + (r6 - r7),
            -ECH * Fa / V + r10,
            -Ef * Fa / V - r1,
            rg + rw,

    # Experimental data in [mole/L]
    st = 0
    tmp = data[32][st:]
    tmp[0] = 1e-4

    FAME = tmp
    FFA = data[33][st:]
    TAG = data[34][st:]
    DAG = data[35][st:]
    MAG = data[36][st:]

    # Initial Condition
    T = TAG[0]
    D = DAG[0]
    M = MAG[0]
    B = FAME[0]
    FA = FFA[0]
    G = 1e-6
    W = mH2O
    CH = Alco
    E = 0.0
    EX = 0.0
    ET = 0.0
    ED = 0.0
    EM = 0.0
    ECH = 0.0
    Ef = Enzyme
    Vp = Vpo
    V = Vo
    x0 = [T, D, M, B, FA, G, W, CH, E, EX, ET, ED, EM, ECH, Ef, Vp, V]

    return odeint(ode_func, x0, t)

def main():
    t = np.arange(0, 1500, 1)[:, None]

    y, info = enzymatic_biodiesel_model(np.ravel(t))
    # y = enzymatic_biodiesel_model(np.ravel(t))
    np.savetxt("enzymatic_biodiesel.dat", np.hstack((t, y)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

The neural network code is as follows:

import torch
import numpy as np
import deepxde as dde
from Biodiesel_ODE import enzymatic_biodiesel_model
from data_config import *

def enzymatic_biodiesel_sbinn(data_t, data_y, noise):

    k1_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k2_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k3_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k4_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k5_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k6_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k7_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k8_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k9_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k10_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_1_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_2_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_3_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_4_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_5_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_6_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_7_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_8_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_9_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    k_10_ = dde.Variable(0.0)
    var_list = [k1_, k2_, k3_, k4_, k5_, k6_, k7_, k8_, k9_, k10_, k_1_, k_2_, k_3_, k_4_, k_5_, k_6_, k_7_, k_8_, k_9_, k_10_]

    def ODE(t, y):
        row, col = y.shape
        T, D, M, BD, FFA, G, W, CH, E, EX, ET, ED, EM, ECH, Ef, Vp, V = [y[:, i:i + 1] for i in range(col)]

        Fa_ = torch.tensor(Fa)[(t > 120).type(torch.long)]
        Fa_ = Fa_ * ((V < Vreactf).type(torch.long).reshape(len(V), -1))

        k1 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k1_)
        k2 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k2_)
        k3 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k3_)
        k4 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k4_)
        k5 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k5_)
        k6 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k6_)
        k7 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k7_)
        k8 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k8_)
        k9 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k9_)
        k10 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k10_)
        k_1 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_1_)
        k_2 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_2_)
        k_3 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_3_)
        k_4 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_4_)
        k_5 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_5_)
        k_6 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_6_)
        k_7 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_7_)
        k_8 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_8_)
        k_9 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_9_)
        k_10 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_10_)

        aT = af * (Vp / V)
        Af = (aT - Ae * (E + EX + ET + ED + EM + ECH)) / Ae

        r1 = k1 * Ef * Af - k_1 * E
        r2 = k2 * T * E - k_2 * ET
        r3 = k3 * ET - k_3 * EX * D
        r4 = k4 * D * E - k_4 * ED
        r5 = k5 * ED - k_5 * EX * M
        r6 = k6 * M * E - k_6 * EM
        r7 = k7 * EM - k_7 * EX * G
        r8 = k8 * EX * W - k_8 * FFA * E
        r9 = k9 * EX * CH - k_9 * BD * E
        r10 = k10 * CH * E - k_10 * ECH

        rg = (r7 * V * 92 / 1261)
        rw = (-r8 * V * 18 / 1000)

        return [
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=0, j=0) - (-T * Fa_ / V - r2),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=1, j=0) - (-D * Fa_ / V + (r3 - r4)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=2, j=0) - (-M * Fa_ / V + (r5 - r6)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=3, j=0) - (-BD * Fa_ / V + r9),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=4, j=0) - (-FFA * Fa_ / V + r8),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=5, j=0) - (-G * Fa_ / V + r7),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=6, j=0) - (-W * Fa_ / V - r8),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=7, j=0) - ((CoAlco - CH) * Fa_ / V - (r9 + r10)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=8, j=0) - (-E * Fa_ / V + (r1 - r2 - r4 - r6 + r8 + r9 - r10)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=9, j=0) - (-EX * Fa_ / V + (r3 + r5 + r7 - r8 - r9)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=10, j=0) - (-ET * Fa_ / V + (r2 - r3)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=11, j=0) - (-ED * Fa_ / V + (r4 - r5)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=12, j=0) - (-EM * Fa_ / V + (r6 - r7)),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=13, j=0) - (-ECH * Fa_ / V + r10),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=14, j=0) - (-Ef * Fa_ / V - r1),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=15, j=0) - (rg + rw),
            dde.grad.jacobian(y, t, i=16, j=0) - Fa_

    geom = dde.geometry.TimeDomain(data_t[0, 0], data_t[-1, 0])

    def boundary(x, _):  
        return np.isclose(x[0], data_t[-1, 0])  

    y1 = data_y[-1]
    bc = [dde.DirichletBC(geom, lambda X: y1[i], boundary, component=i) for i in range(0, 17)]

    n = len(data_t)
    idx = np.append(
        np.random.choice(np.arange(1, n - 1), size=n // 4, replace=False), [0, n - 1]
    ic = [dde.PointSetBC(data_t[idx], data_y[idx, i:i + 1], component=0) for i in range(5)]
    np.savetxt("", np.hstack((data_t[idx], data_y[idx, 0:1], data_y[idx, 1:2], data_y[idx, 2:3], data_y[idx, 3:4], data_y[idx, 4:5])))

    data =, ODE, bc + ic, anchors=data_t)

    net = dde.maps.FNN([1] + [17] + [128] * 3 + [17], "relu", "Glorot normal")

    # def feature_transform(t):
    #     return torch.concat(
    #         (
    #             t,
    #             torch.exp(-t),
    #             torch.sin(2 * t),
    #             torch.sin(3 * t),
    #             torch.sin(4 * t),
    #             torch.sin(5 * t),
    #             torch.sin(6 * t),
    #         ),
    #         axis=1,
    #     )
    # net.apply_feature_transform(feature_transform)
    # ??????TODO
    # def output_transform(t, y):
    #     return (
    #             torch.as_tensor(data_y[0]) + torch.tanh(t) * torch.tensor([1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 0.1]) * y
    #     )
    # net.apply_output_transform(output_transform)

    model = dde.Model(data, net)
    checkpointer = dde.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(
        "./model/model.ckpt", verbose=1, save_better_only=True, period=1000
    variable = dde.callbacks.VariableValue(
        var_list, period=1000, filename="variables.dat", precision=3,
    callbacks = [checkpointer, variable]
    # TODO
    bc_weights = [1] * 17
    if noise >= 0.1:
        bc_weights = [w * 10 for w in bc_weights]
    # TODO
    data_weights = [1] * 5
    # Large noise requires small data_weights
    if noise >= 0.1:
        data_weights = [w / 10 for w in data_weights]
    model.compile("adam", lr=1e-3, loss_weights=[0] * 17 + bc_weights + data_weights, external_trainable_variables=var_list)
    model.train(iterations=1000, display_every=1000)
    # TODO
    ode_weights = [1] * 17
    # Large noise requires large ode_weights
    if noise > 0:
        ode_weights = [10 * w for w in ode_weights]
    model.compile("adam", lr=1e-3, loss_weights=ode_weights + bc_weights + data_weights)

    losshistory, train_state = model.train(
        epochs=900000 if noise == 0 else 2000000,
        # model_restore_path="./model/model.ckpt-"
    dde.saveplot(losshistory, train_state, issave=True, isplot=True)
    var_list = [ for v in var_list]
    return var_list

def main():
    data_set = np.loadtxt("enzymatic_biodiesel.dat")
    t = data_set[:, 0].reshape(1500, -1)
    y = data_set[:, 1:]
    noise = 0
    # Add noise
    # if noise > 0:
    #     std = noise * y.std(0)
    #     y[1:-1, :] += np.random.normal(0, std, (y.shape[0] - 2, y.shape[1]))
    #     np.savetxt("enzymatic_biodiesel_noise.dat", np.hstack((t, y)))

    # Train
    var_list = enzymatic_biodiesel_sbinn(t, y, noise)

    # Prediction
    y = enzymatic_biodiesel_model(np.ravel(t), *var_list)
    np.savetxt("glycolysis_pred.dat", np.hstack((t, y)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

I can sort out the parameters in k_config and data_config later if needed. One thing to note is that Fa will change after 120 minutes and will equal 0 when Fa>Vreactf, and this mutation may have some impact. I'm not sure.

lululxvi commented 1 year ago

Please see new code at

chenyv118 commented 1 year ago

Please see new code at

Yes that's right, my code didn't have a restriction on the division operation of state variables, using this new code solved the problem, thanks a lot!