alishahussain / alisha2025

Student edition of Nighthawk Pages. Allows for build up and creativity according to the students personal journey through CompSci.
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Sprint 1 Issue #3

Open alishahussain opened 1 week ago

alishahussain commented 1 week ago
Assignment Link
Tools/Equipment Hacks Issue
Frontend Development Frontend Development
Github Pages Hacks Changed Theme
SASS Hacks Styling
Pair Programming Cultural Food
alishahussain commented 1 week ago
Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace Y 4 1.0 Verification by Linux commands notebook
VSCode Y 4 1.0 Live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug
Show VSCode GitLens Y 4 1.0 Verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit
GitHub student_2025 repo Y 4 1.0 Template create, push changes, verify id, review analytics
GitHub Pages Actions Y 4 1.0 Review runs and verify runtime, receive demo
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Y 4 1.0 Hacks
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Y 4 1.0 Hacks
Hacks SASS Basics Y 4 1.0 Hacks
Hacks Frontend N 3 0.75 Hacks
Pair Programming N 2 0.5 Tangibles that show coop work
Total 8.25
Average 0.825
hanlunli commented 1 week ago

I like how you included elements of Javascript, and HTML into your pair programming, and I also like how you customized the default theme to make it more personalized. One thing I suggest is fixing the bug in your sorting code that makes it so that 10/10 appears to be the lowest rating. :+1:

7mwang commented 1 week ago

I liked how you personalized your homepage with your favorite songs, and have multiple pages of data to do so. Your hacks look organized, and I like how you have commit proof on things like your tool hacks. Your menu looks pretty clean as well. The only thing I would change is the "Student Home" title on your homepage to something more personalized to you. Nice job!

Flying-Book commented 1 week ago

I like how you have a separate issue with the screenshots for the Tools Verify Hacks. I think the table was a really cool way to incorporate the hacks from multiple different sections into one cohesive element in your website. I like the cayman theme and the effects when you hover specific text. Is the effects part of the SCSS or just the SAS for the Home Page? I think you did a great job.

dino596 commented 1 week ago

Hi Alisha,

After checking out your provided hacks, I can see the effort you put in in your hacks and personalized blog. I liked how you not only followed the requirements for the hacks, but also added your own interests such as your favorite music choices. However, one thing I would suggest is to utilize your blog even more: you could've made this issue on your blog with utterances, or your other issues such as the Hacks issue on your blog.

Arthur Liu

vibha-yganji commented 1 week ago

Hello Alisha! I really liked the changes you made on your homepage especially changing the color of the description. Your styled table was also very interesting to look at and was a very nice way to demonstrate your understanding of SCSS. However, you could potentially try adding additional changes to your homepage to make the theme not appear like Cayman. Other than that, you blog was amazing!

alishahussain commented 4 days ago
Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Notes
Attendance Y 4.0
Work Habits N 2 after school, work habits are good, I work on cs a lot, but in class I need to work on it
Behavior Y 4.0
Timeliness N 3.0 need to work on being ready for review on the first day
Tech Sense Y 4.0
Tech Talk N 4.0
Tech Growth N 3.8
Advocacy N 3.8 need to work on speaking up when I need help or I'm confused
Comm & Collab Y 4.0
Integrity Y 4.0
Organized N 4.0