alishahussain / team2

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Binary Review Ticket (Team) #5

Open alishahussain opened 7 months ago

alishahussain commented 7 months ago


Crossover Score Home Page Review Ticket Group Analytics Progress checks
0.88/.87 Link Link Link Link
Individual Name Crossover Score Video Feature Key Commits
Anika Bhatnagar 0.84 0.9 Link Link Was able to add 2 more games boards/levels to our game Fixed big issue of the cards not matching up properly added the hover hint
Name Crossover Score Video Feature Key Commits
Alisha Hussain 0.86 0.86 Video Link Feature Link I made the base of my game, made my grid and starter color bar (, figured out how to use mouse click function to draw on canvas (, finished the game (
Name Crossover Score Video Feature Key Commits Issues Analytics
Abdullah Khanani 0.85 Link Link Added the quiz, Changed the theme of csp 2.0, Worked on binary guessing information with Sergi Link (Scroll Down) Profile, Workflow 1 (Initial Repo), Workflow 2 (New and Active Repo)
Name Crossover Score Video Feature Key Commits Issues Analytics
Vance Reynolds 0.85 Link Link HTML and Script, Guide Link (Scroll Down) Profile, Workflow 1 (Old Repo), Workflow 2 (New Repo)
Name Crossover Score Video Feature Key Commits Issues Analytics
Sergi Serpukhovitinov 0.88 Link Link Binary Puzzle, Guessing/Converters Link (Scroll Down) Profile, Workflow 1 (Old Repo), Workflow 2 (New Repo)
peytonl11098 commented 7 months ago

Individual Review "Peyton Leigh" grading "Alisha Hussain"

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

sharonkodali commented 7 months ago

Team Review "Sharon Kodali" grading "Alisha Hussain"

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions [0.9 - video is properly formatted with good captions that are clear. I like how you speed up the video in certain areas to make sure the audience is focused. I also liked how you explained the purpose of each of the small features you added in the captions. ] Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute.

[0.7 - Your issues show a good plan but i did not see any that show progress to team .] Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives

[0.85 - Good key commits and good contribution to the project. ] Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions

[0.85 consistently commits throughout the weeks we worked on the project ] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks

Per check.
0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incomplete, but some runtime

final score: 0.84/1

Freeform comment. I Liked how you incorporated the slider so the users can see the change gradually in what color they make to see what each of the RGB values do. I like your video and how clear and concise it is. I would add maybe a small pop up or something that allows the user to understand the definition of what RGB means and how to convert it to binary numbers. Next time something I would incorporate is hexadecimals because the hexadecimal has a direct connection to each RGB value and it is something that is very closely connected to color codes so it might be nice to add that to your feature too.

nitinsandiego commented 6 months ago

Team Review "Scrum Master Nitin” grading "Scrum Master Sergi”

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions

(0.9 + 0.88 + 0.86 + 0.9 + .88) = 4.42/5

Overall: 0.87/1

For the first feature, I liked how the user could change the RBG values and get a live time conversion of the RBG values into binary code. One thing I would recommend is maybe displaying a realtime representation of the color they make. For example, when the user uses the slider bar to change the RGB values, there is a big square that changes color, instead of the user actually having to press many different squares.

For the second feature, I enjoyed how it incorporates Binary in a popular game. It was a great way to learn how to convert from decimal to binary or vice versa. The timer also added a good touch to help the user learn how to convert quickly and faster.

For the third feature, I liked how it was a mini quiz, so the user could test their knowledge in binary. The questions covered the main topics about binary and was a good way to practice binary. One thing I would recommend is to add an explanation to the answers one missed, so that they can learn from their mistakes and grow.

For the fourth feature is pretty good, but it was pretty confusing. I like the idea in a whole, but the instructions to understand the game were not available. Because of this, it would have made it easier to understand and use, but overall, it was still pretty good.

For the fifth feature, I was really impressed. It covered all the aspects of Binary with many different games. Also, there were numerous amount of explanations, which all covered the aspects of Binary very thoroughly. I really liked how this page was very user-friendly and taught this topic very well.

For the overall project I really enjoyed their theme of an arcade, it’s a pretty creative idea. I liked how their features also had an arcade theme and were all a type of game, which was an interesting touch. I would add some some issues you faced because these are thing you and your team use to reflect on and learn on.

tarasehdave commented 6 months ago

/Individual Review "Tara Sehdave" grading "Anika Bhatnagar"

0.8 ✓ Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Explanation: Anika clearly had 4 main commits she linked, as well as a well made video. She had an ideation in her issue so I could tell there was a certain level of planning before coding. She also graded my video and gave feedback on it, showing participation in crossover grading.

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

0.8 ✓ Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute Explanation: Video had clear captions that I was able to follow along to.

0.8 ✓ Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives Explanation: Have ideation and an issue with each weeks progress as a group.

0.9 ✓ Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions Explanation Anika had 4 main commits instead of just one. Each showed a certain level of progress such as additions that made her feature work and then more advanced, showing clear learning abilities.

0.9 ✓ Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Explanation Anika had 29 commits over the last month showing that she constantly improved and worked on her code.

Per check.

Freeform comment.

The feature showed excellent aspects. The game allows users to understand the connection between decimal and binary numbers. The timer was a useful and game like characteristic that I enjoyed having while matching the cards. The three level of difficulties was also another trait that I have not seen anyone else incorporate. Changes I would add would be just fixing little bugs. For example, the game says you can hover over cards to see if the card below is a binary or decimal number, but that only works for certain cards. Some do not show you that indication. Besides that, the feature looks clean and meets the requirements.

nitinsandiego commented 6 months ago

Individual Review “Nitin” grading “Sergi”

(0.9 + 0.86 + 0.86 + 0.88 + 0.88) = 4.38/5 Overall: 0.88

The video is thorough and explains your feature very well, and is very well explained. I liked how you went over all your different games. I also liked how you taught binary at the same time, which was a nice touch. The feature was very well structured. Your issues are well explained and go over your errors and how you fixed them. This is very important to learn from your mistakes and not make these same mistakes in the future. Your commits also show that you were very committed to this project. You spent a lot of time developing your feature to make as perfect as you could and I could see this in your feature. Also, your analytics show you have kept working on this project proactively throughout the 3 weeks of this project. Overall, your feature was very impressive that displayed your knowledge of Binary and your ability to teach this topic.

SGTech08 commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Saathvik Gampa" grading "Vance Reynolds"

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.85

Freeform comment. Vance shows evident proof of him staying on task the whole time by helping his team do many tasks and following their team goals. He shows excellent knowledge on the topic he is performing on and explains clearly on the functions of the video. The next step would be to focus on implementing maybe a progress bar to demonstrate where the user is in their journey of learning about binary. Awesome job.

sharonkodali commented 6 months ago

Team Review "Scrum Master Sharon" grading "Scrum Master Alisha "

All the different features in the website are very educational and match the purpose of our project

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions

Looking through their issues I was able to see what problems they faced and how they fixed them and made revisions based on feedback they were given. I could also clearly see what they learned throughout the weeks based on their review ticket

Each person had a 'what I would do if I had more time' sections where they described further additions they would add to their feature based on the feedback they were given

I saw their key accomplishments and they main things they gained and learned from the project through their review ticket. it was very well formatted and detailed.

I saw how they improves and the different additions they made based on feedback from the teacher and other teams.

Per check.
0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.


Freeform comment.
I like how there is a theme that everyone followed throughout the different features you made.

For the first game I liked how you incorporated RGB and binary and also found it to make it educational instead of just interactive. I would recommend maybe for next time to add a color box where they can pick their own color and then see what the RGB value for that color is.

I liked the second game too. I like how you have multiple levels so the user can learn the basics first and then get to some harder levels. I liked the idea of the game too since its really educational and a great way to learn how to get from decimal to binary. I would add an introduction where you explain how the conversion works and what binary numbers are for people who have never heard of binary.

binary knowledge quiz:

I think the quiz is a great idea for the end where after the users learn the basics of binary and they can test their knowledge on how much they heard before. I also really liked the theme of this quiz, I liked how it is neon and matches up with the rest of the theme. Next time

Binary Spelling game:

I like how this game was creative and different than what a lot of other people do. I like how you incorporated ASCII leters and how you incorporated letters too. I liked the explanation and the hints that you added to make it easier to learn.

Binary puzzle game:

I like how we incorporates hexadecimals and learned how to incorporate between different aspects of binary instead of just binary and decimal. i also like the on and off hint and guide that you made since its a really great way to learn.

Overall, I really like how everything is organized and how its very clear how each person contributed a lot to their feature. I I also liked how retrospective it is and how everyone talked about the issues they faced and what changes and adaptations they made throughout the week

AkshayNagesh commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Akshay Nagesh" grading "Abdullah". 0.85/1 Review Educational Value: The quiz effectively tests and reinforces knowledge about binary numbers and related concepts. It's a useful tool for learners to assess their understanding in a fun and interactive way. User Interface: The interface is straightforward and easy to navigate. However, the design is quite basic and could benefit from more engaging visuals or interactive elements. Functionality: The quiz functions well, with no apparent bugs or issues. Questions are clear, and the response system works smoothly. Engagement: While the quiz is educational, it might lack long-term engagement due to its simplicity. Adding levels of difficulty or varied types of questions could enhance its appeal. Suggestions for Improvement Progress Tracking: Implementing a progress bar or a scoring system could motivate users by showing them how far they've progressed and how well they're doing. Interactive Elements: Adding more interactive features, like drag-and-drop answers or timed challenges, could make the quiz more engaging. Design Enhancements: A more vibrant and interactive design could enhance user experience and make the quiz more visually appealing. Conclusion The Binary Quiz is a solid educational tool for those looking to test or improve their understanding of binary numbers. With some enhancements in design and interactivity, it could become an even more engaging and effective learning resource.

MEERIE commented 6 months ago

AMEER GRADING ANIKA Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s):

Freeform Comment: Anika has shown exemplary commitment and contribution to the project. Her video presentation is clear and concise, effectively highlighting her key contributions. She has demonstrated excellent project management skills through her well-defined issues and consistent code commits. Anika's consistent participation over three weeks indicates her dedication to the project's success. Overall, Anika has excelled in all aspects of individual contribution to the project and has been a positive example to her team. Her above-and-beyond efforts are reflected in her outstanding score of 0.9.

SGTech08 commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Saathvik Gampa" grading "Vance Reynolds"

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

[x]Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute 0.8/0.9 [x]Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives 0.85/0.9 [x]Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions 0.83/0.9 [x]Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks 0.83/0.9 Per check. 0.85

Freeform comment. Vance shows evident proof of him staying on task the whole time by helping his team do many tasks and following their team goals. He shows excellent knowledge on the topic he is performing on and explains clearly on the functions of the video. The next step would be to focus on implementing maybe a progress bar to demonstrate where the user is in their journey of learning about binary. Awesome job.