alishinski / lavaanPlot

R package for plotting lavaan path models with DiagrammeR
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possibility to add annotations [Feature Request] #37

Open albertostefanelli opened 2 years ago

albertostefanelli commented 2 years ago

It would be super nice if lavaanPlot would allow annotations inside the graph area in a similar fashion to ggplot annotate()

alishinski commented 2 years ago

That's a good suggestion, I will look into what's possible with graphViz.

alishinski commented 2 years ago

So what graphViz allows me to do is additional labels positioned relative to particular nodes or edges (head or tail), and how they are positioned is something you could specify and play around with. This is something that would be possible to implement, so in this picture the label that says current is the one I'm currently using to put coefficient labels. A,B, and C are additional labels that I could make it possible to add (or you could add them currently if you generate the lavaanPlot and then modify the grViz specification). Do you think this would be helpful in the way you had in mind? image