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《自私的基因》 #51

Open alissli opened 7 years ago

alissli commented 7 years ago


Luis Benitez-Bribiesca M.D., a critic of memetics, calls the theory a "pseudoscientific dogma" and "a dangerous idea that poses a threat to the serious study of consciousness and cultural evolution". As a factual criticism, Benitez-Bribiesca points to the lack of a "code script" for memes (analogous to the DNA of genes), and to the excessive instability of the meme mutation mechanism (that of an idea going from one brain to another), which would lead to a low replication accuracy and a high mutation rate, rendering the evolutionary process chaotic Benitez-Bribiesca将模因理论斥为“伪科学的教条”(Pseudoscientific dogma),他针对R.Dawkins将模因类比为基因,提出了模因不存在类似基因所具有的代码,模因也没有稳定的突变机制。如此一来,完全无法保证模因在扩散过程中会在哪些条件下发生突变,因此由模因理论解释的文化进程完全是混乱无序的。
