alistair23 / qemu

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Verify the First Three examples #2

Closed alistair23 closed 9 years ago

alistair23 commented 9 years ago

Ensure that the first three examples can run on QEMU

Konstanty commented 9 years ago

Just a note that examples/ex* are the examples - and in 2013 I don't think templates (templates/*) were provided - only the examples.

alistair23 commented 9 years ago

So they almost all work. The first two are pretty straight forward and are working. The third has some issues. I can enter the ISR, but the 'if (EXTI_GetITStatus(NP2_D0_EXTI_LINE) != RESET)' never returns true

I can't figure it out, both EXTI->PR and EXTI->IMR are zero (they need to be 128). I can't find out where they are ever set, there aren't any GPIO reads that I can see. They both have offset addresses as defined by stm32f4xx.h but I'm not sure where

alistair23 commented 9 years ago

I think the issue it because I'm triggering what should be an external interrupt from the internal device. So when it tries to do an I/O read to address: 0x3c00 and 0x4001 it's still zero. Will probably need QTest to keep going, but it looks like interrupts are working (although hacked, the interrupt lines are also very confusing)

alistair23 commented 9 years ago

I'm going to mark this as completed and make the externally trigger interrupt issue more important