alistairgillespie / Part2

Ruby on Rails 3 Application
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CSS positioning in firefox #1

Open callumStudent opened 11 years ago

callumStudent commented 11 years ago

The footer displays to the right of the main section when viewed in firefox

joshlava commented 11 years ago

ye quite a bit of the static side of the site is broken at the moment a lot of the links are broken, that right hand side footer in firefox, and just generally the layout needs to be cleaned up. But i think we are still focusing on the server side at the moment.

callumStudent commented 11 years ago

yep, just putting it down for future reference.

joshlava commented 11 years ago

yeah, probably a good idea to start making notes of what still needs to be done, so we can go through and cross them all off.

joshlava commented 11 years ago

ye just made a TODO text file we should use

callumStudent commented 11 years ago

Cool, good idea On 13/05/2013 2:34 PM, "joshlava" wrote:

ye just made a TODO text file we should use

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joshlava commented 11 years ago

forgot how much i hated having to change everything for different browsers haha

alistairgillespie commented 11 years ago

I think I can say this is fixed. Although try it out. Then I will close this issue

callumStudent commented 11 years ago

Tried it again in firefox and it is still displaying really weird (tested with 2 users registered). Different from how it was displaying before though.

Also in Chrome, if only one user is registered the featured page display is a little odd. This shouldn't be of too much concern since there should generally be more than one user but just something that was of note.

alistairgillespie commented 11 years ago

Yep no worries mate...

Dylan890 commented 11 years ago

Hey guys,

Just a quick question. When testing the friendship model I found that the user_id and friendship_id can be set to nil. Is this ok? Should we be making user_id and friendship_id primary keys?

On 20 May 2013 23:24, WilsonAus wrote:

Yep no worries mate...

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alistairgillespie commented 11 years ago

keeping them as foreign keys will suffice i suspect

Dylan890 commented 11 years ago

Ok no problem.

On 21 May 2013 19:32, WilsonAus wrote:

keeping them as foreign keys will suffice i suspect

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Dylan890 commented 11 years ago

Are we currently using the ability.rb class in app/models?

On 21 May 2013 19:38, Dylan Nangle wrote:

Ok no problem.

On 21 May 2013 19:32, WilsonAus wrote:

keeping them as foreign keys will suffice i suspect

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joshlava commented 11 years ago

So the problem we are having with the css in firefox is to do with using floats, firefox treats it completely differnt to chrome. in chrome if you float something left it will sit as far left as it can on the line its supposed to be, so if you float something left and have another image to the left of it already it will sit nicely next to it, on firefox the float left will make the object sit at the absolute left point of the container its in, even if it means pushing it to another line. gonna have to manually put everything back in the right place now, unless any of you know a similar function that works the same in everything?

callumStudent commented 11 years ago

I'm pretty limited when it comes to css positioning. I don't really know of any other sort of positioning method to fix it in firefox.

On 21/05/2013 10:04 PM, "joshlava" wrote:

So the problem we are having with the css in firefox is to do with using floats, firefox treats it completely differnt to chrome. in chrome if you float something left it will sit as far left as it can on the line its supposed to be, so if you float something left and have another image to the left of it already it will sit nicely next to it, on firefox the float left will make the object sit at the absolute left point of the container its in, even if it means pushing it to another line. gonna have to manually put everything back in the right place now, unless any of you know a similar function that works the same in everything?

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joshlava commented 11 years ago

yeah im the same, as far as i can tell it just looks like a solid few hours of trial and error. joy.

alistairgillespie commented 11 years ago

Dylan your last commit had to be reverted as it took the site back some ridiculous time period... make sure you update to this version before the last testing is done... dunno what happened

joshlava commented 11 years ago

i started adding in geo location using geocoder, its almost there probably just an 'ad location' button for when you upload photos. then need to display it somewhere after. Then i have no idea what happened, but my local version of the repo decided to destroy itself. if i pull it just doenst do anything and if i push something ill destroy the master copy. pretty much only option i have left is to re-fork the whole repo, but then I'm gonna have to spend forever getting everything working again (took me long enough the first 2 times) and i dont really have the time. does someone want to try and take over? this is the gem and this is a helpful railscast