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ListLoadBalancersResponseBodyLoadBalancersLoadBalancerBillingConfig missing fields #62

Closed dongxuny closed 4 months ago

dongxuny commented 1 year ago

Package: Struct: ListLoadBalancersResponseBodyLoadBalancersLoadBalancerBillingConfig

Newest response from aliyun CLI like bellow: { "LoadBalancers": [ { "AccessLogConfig": {}, "AddressAllocatedMode": "Fixed", "AddressIpVersion": "Ipv4", "AddressType": "Internet", "CreateTime": "2023-10-10T15:38:00Z", "DNSName": "", "DeletionProtectionConfig": { "Enabled": false }, "LoadBalancerBillingConfig": { "InternetBandwidth": 400, "InternetChargeType": "PayByTraffic", "PayType": "PostPay" }, "LoadBalancerBussinessStatus": "Normal", "LoadBalancerEdition": "Basic", "LoadBalancerId": "alb-rd1hizzt6eyj1ejxvk", "LoadBalancerName": "alb-demo", "LoadBalancerStatus": "Active", "ModificationProtectionConfig": {}, "ResourceGroupId": "rg-acfmwrne2i563aa", "VpcId": "vpc-bp1vi1sbq5ircuff032gn" } ], "MaxResults": 20, "RequestId": "1D217B05-90E8-5D2B-B5E1-8255566C86B5", "TotalCount": 1 }

However, SDK missing InternetBandwidth & InternetChargeType in LoadBalancerBillingConfig

TsinghuaDream commented 4 months ago

The field list is mainly based on the document description. Please ignore the fields that are not described in the document. InternetBandwidth & InternetChargeType is not in LoadBalancer API document.