aliyun / aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk

Aliyun OSS SDK for C#
MIT License
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linux系统下,bucketname出错,win系统正常 #141

Closed GhostDevil closed 1 year ago

GhostDevil commented 1 year ago

bucketname OSS Exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid bucket name. The bucket naming rules: 1) Can only contain lowercase letter, number or dash(-); 2) Starts and ends with lowercase letter or number; 3) The length must be between 3 to 63 bytes. (Parameter 'bucketName') at Aliyun.OSS.Util.OssUtils.CheckBucketName(String bucketName) at Aliyun.OSS.Commands.PutObjectCommand.Create(IServiceClient client, Uri endpoint, ExecutionContext context, PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) at Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.PutObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) at Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.PutObject(String bucketName, String key, Stream content, ObjectMetadata metadata) at Aliyun.OSS.OssClient.PutObject(String bucketName, String key, Stream content)