aliyun / aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk

Aliyun OSS SDK for C#
MIT License
383 stars 206 forks source link

亲,这个可以在unity里使用吗? #26

Open hubluesky opened 7 years ago

hubluesky commented 7 years ago
public void Initialize(string endpoint, string accessKeyId, string accessKeySecret) {
    try {
        client = new OssClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);
    } catch (System.Exception e) {
        Debug.LogErrorFormat("Connect aliyun failed, Reason:{0}", e.Message);

这段代码执行的时候,报的错误是:Connect aliyun failed, Reason:Object reference not set to an instance of an object 这个是连接不上吗,还是不支持,还是怎么样的。求解释。

Dante0927 commented 6 years ago


ToroCheng commented 6 years ago

有导入流程吗,放进SDK后跳出 The attribute `System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute' cannot be applied multiple times

AhrenLi commented 6 years ago


DlotFire commented 3 years ago
