aliyun / aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk

Aliyun OSS SDK for C#
MIT License
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获取图片缩略图失败 #94

Open qiu-xm opened 5 years ago

qiu-xm commented 5 years ago

使用2.9.1时: 在获取 image/xxxx_middle 时,报异常: Expected hash not equal to calculated hash

恢复到 2.5.1时正常。。。

相关代码 `

strKey = string.Format("{0}_middle", this.Key);

AliyunOSSDownloadRequest adrRequest = new AliyunOSSDownloadRequest(); adrRequest.LogId = strDownloadAliyunOSSBreviaryImageId; adrRequest.Client = AliyunOSSHandle.DownloadClient; adrRequest.BucketName = AliyunOSSHandle.BucketName; adrRequest.Key = strKey; adrRequest.Path = strBreviaryFile; adrRequest.PartSize = 100 * 1024; AliyunOSSHandle.Download(adrRequest); `

` public static void Download(AliyunOSSDownloadRequest mudrRequest) { OssObject ooObject = mudrRequest.Client.GetObject(mudrRequest.BucketName, mudrRequest.Key); using (Stream requestStream = ooObject.Content) { long lnLength = ooObject.Metadata.ContentLength; long lnPosition = 0L; byte[] buf = new byte[mudrRequest.PartSize]; long lnWatchCount = 0L; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); swWatch.Start(); using (FileStream fs = File.Open(mudrRequest.Path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { var len = 0; while ((len = requestStream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) != 0) { fs.Write(buf, 0, len); if (mudrRequest.ProgressChanged) { lnPosition += len; lnWatchCount += len;

                AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged adpcChanged = new AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged();
                adpcChanged.Progress = 100.0D * lnPosition / lnLength;
                adpcChanged.PartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();
                long lnTime = swWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                if (lnTime >= 500)
                    adpcChanged.SpeekValid = true;
                    adpcChanged.Speek = lnWatchCount / lnTime * 1000;
                    if (adpcChanged.Speek > 0)
                        adpcChanged.RemainingTime = (lnLength - lnPosition) / adpcChanged.Speek;
                    lnWatchCount = 0L;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mudrRequest.MD5))
    // MD5比较

if (mudrRequest.ProgressChanged)
    AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged mudcEndChanged = new AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged();
    mudcEndChanged.Progress = 100.0D;
    mudcEndChanged.PartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();

} `


public class AliyunOSSDownloadRequest

    private string mLogId;
    public string LogId
        get { return mLogId; }
        set { mLogId = value; }

    private OssClient mClient;
    public OssClient Client
        get { return mClient; }
        set { mClient = value; }

    private string mBucketName;
    public string BucketName
        get { return mBucketName; }
        set { mBucketName = value; }

    private string mKey;
    public string Key
        get { return mKey; }
        set { mKey = value; }

    private string mMD5;
    public string MD5
        get { return mMD5; }
        set { mMD5 = value; }

    private string mPath;
    public string Path
        get { return mPath; }
        set { mPath = value; }

    private long mLength;
    public long Length
        get { return mLength; }
        set { mLength = value; }

    private long mPartSize;
    public long PartSize
        get { return mPartSize; }
        set { mPartSize = value; }

    private SafeList<int> mPartIndexs = new SafeList<int>();
    public SafeList<int> PartIndexs
        get { return mPartIndexs; }
        set { mPartIndexs = value; }

    private SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream> mPartStream = new SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream>();
    public SafeQueue<AliyunOSSDownloadPartStream> PartStream
        get { return mPartStream; }
        set { mPartStream = value; }

    public event EventHandler<AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged> DownloadProgressChanged;
    public bool ProgressChanged
        get { return this.DownloadProgressChanged != null; }

    public void OnDownloadProgressChanged(AliyunOSSDownloadProgressChanged e)
        if (this.DownloadProgressChanged != null)
            this.DownloadProgressChanged(this, e);



qiu-xm commented 5 years ago

Aliyun.OSS.Common.ClientException: Expected hash not equal to calculated hash 在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Internal.HashStream.CalculateHash() 在 Aliyun.OSS.Common.Internal.HashStream.Close() 在 System.IO.Stream.Dispose()