aliyun / aliyun-oss-ios-sdk

iOS SDK for aliyun object storage service
466 stars 319 forks source link

M1环境Link报错: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_OSSClient #266

Open geniusztyyy opened 3 years ago

geniusztyyy commented 3 years ago


What I did/我做了啥子:

# Create a new Xcode project(iOS swift ui app named 'xxx')

# clone工程
$ git clone
# 进入目录
$ cd aliyun-oss-ios-sdk
# 执行打包脚本
$ sh ./
# 进入打包生成目录,AliyunOSSiOS.framework生成在该目录下

# 拖拽  the 'AliyunOSSiOS.framework' folder 到 Xcode project 导航
# 勾选 'Copy items if needed' , 勾选 Add to targets to xxx

Problem and my operation/中间遇到的问题和我的操作 : Error: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64 My operation:
选择项目名 'xxx' -> Building Settings -> Validate WorkSpace( set Yes then Set No again) -> Building Settings -> Excluded Architectures( set both Debug and Release to arm64)

目前的问题: 一顿操作猛如虎,到目前为止,可以import AliyunOSSiOS 并编译通过,但只要调用sdk中的代码,再编译,就会报错: Error: Undefined symbol: _OBJCCLASS$_OSSClient

Why not cocoapods/为啥不用pod: Much more problems!

Recommendations/建议 : 请支持 Swift package manager!

wushuai1415 commented 3 years ago
