aliyun / ossfs

Export s3fs for aliyun oss.
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nextcloud 主存储使用OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\S3 报错 Could not create object: Creation of bucket failed. Anonymous access is f orbidden for this operation. #81

Closed chinalujw closed 6 years ago

chinalujw commented 7 years ago

接口hostname没有使用自定义域名,报错信息“ould not create object: Creation of bucket failed. Anonymous access is f orbidden for this operation.” nextcloud config.php array ( 'class' => 'OC\Files\ObjectStore\S3', 'arguments' => array ( 'hostname' => '', 'region' => 'oss-cn-beijing', 'key' => 'hidden', 'secret' => 'hidden', 'bucket' => 'hidden', 'autocreate' => true, 'use_ssl' => false, 'use_path_style' => false, )

chinalujw commented 7 years ago

nextcloud 12.0.3 通过app扩展的“External storage support” 使用amazon s3驱动作为外部存储,同样的报错信息。