aliyun / rds_dbsync

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mysql5.7转移到pg,字段中包含json类型就报错 #72

Open se7enshidb opened 7 years ago

se7enshidb commented 7 years ago

表中字段包含的有json字段的就报错了 错误 ./mysql2pgsql -l loader_table_list.txt -d -n -j 5 -s public ignore copy error count 0 each table -- Adding table: userinfo

-- Reference commands to create target tables :

unsupported col extjson type 245 get table userinfo column type error -- Number of tables: 1 errors occured during migration

wjzeng commented 6 years ago


wjzeng commented 6 years ago

JSON 数据类型 type 245 是在哪一个版本中支持的,麻烦给出具体的版本号。

wjzeng commented 6 years ago


se7enshidb commented 6 years ago

| userinfo | CREATE TABLE userinfo ( user_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, nick_name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, pwd varchar(64) NOT NULL, user_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, birthday date DEFAULT NULL, portrait_url varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, gender smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, identity_id varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL, nation_code varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86', phone varchar(24) NOT NULL, email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, real_name varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, wexin_bind_id varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, qq_bind_id varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, constellation varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '星座', inviter varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '邀请人', extjson json DEFAULT NULL, create_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, register_soruce int(2) DEFAULT '1' , is_hide_privacy varchar(1) DEFAULT '0', register_source_type int(2) DEFAULT '1', mod_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (user_id), UNIQUE KEY hashid_UNIQUE (user_no), UNIQUE KEY phone_UNIQUE (phone,nation_code,register_soruce) ) COMMENT='用户信息表';

dobixu commented 6 years ago


aofengli commented 6 years ago
