alkarinv / BattleShops

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Players can't link chests to signs. . . #5

Closed JericM closed 11 years ago

JericM commented 11 years ago

Battleshops Version- Bukkit Version- 1.5.1-R0.1-20130323.042902-12

Permissions Plugin- PermissionsEx v1.19.5

Issue: Players with the shop.create permission node cannot link chests to signs while the OP (myself) and admins (with the shop.admin permission node) can.

What happens: They left click the chest with the redstone torch and nothing happens. No error in console, no nothing. Meanwhile, a person with shop.admin in permissions can link chests just fine.

Do I have the wrong permission node? Should it be shop.create.*? Maybe it's not checking to see what kind of chop they can create?

Help me out here, because I love the concept and it works beautifully when it works. :)

alkarinv commented 11 years ago


So there are actually 2 requirements to build. First they need the perm "shop.create" the second is that they need Build permissions in that area. If they don't have the build perms then it won't allow them to make the sign.

Is this what is happening?

JericM commented 11 years ago

No. They can create the shop signs and it tells them to link a chest, then when they go to link a chest nothing happens. No message telling them it's linked or not not linked or anything. It's like the don't have permission to link chests. . .?

Users on my server with shop.admin permission do the same exact thing and it works just fine.

I assume this hasn't happened before. . . :(

alkarinv commented 11 years ago

So I've done a bunch of testing, I cant get this to happen. I did add in better messages when something doesnt link though, hopefully that will give us a clue as to what is happening.

otherwise: skype: alkarinv

hit me up and we can figure it out directly