alkarinv / BattleShops

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Error from mcconsole after updating to last version #9

Open Alphadystopie opened 11 years ago

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

Hi, im using #2735 1.5.1-R0.1 Beta Build from Bukkit, and getting this error.

2013-04-10 10:57:13 [INFO] [BattleShops] Enabling BattleShops v3.4.6.1 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [INFO] [BattleShops] version starting 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [INFO] [Plugin Updater] updating messages.yml from 1.3.1 to 1.3 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [INFO] [Plugin Updater] old version backup inside of /_/_/plugins/BattleShops/backups 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed. 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.checkOpen( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.close( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializer.closeConnection( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.serializers.SQLInstance.init( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializerConfig.configureSQL( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializerConfig.configureSQL( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.bukkit.BukkitBattleShops.loadConfigFiles( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.bukkit.BukkitBattleShops.onEnable( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R2.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.j( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.e( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.a( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.DedicatedServer.init( 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 10:57:13 [SEVERE] at

alkarinv commented 11 years ago

If you look at the error it says the mysql connection closed. Are you using a local mysql database? or is it remote?

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

its local, but other Plugins also using mysql without any errors.

alkarinv commented 11 years ago

Weird, does it go away after a restart? or does this always happen?

Also could you double check your mysql username and password in the Battleshops/config.yml?

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

Double checked its allright, i changed also from mysql to sqlite and get similiar errors,

2013-04-10 18:26:03 [INFO] [BattleShops] Enabling BattleShops v3.4.6.1 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [INFO] [BattleShops] version starting 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [INFO] [Plugin Updater] updating messages.yml from 1.3.1 to 1.3 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [INFO] [Plugin Updater] old version backup inside of /.../.../plugins/BattleShops/backups 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed. 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.checkOpen( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.close( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializer.closeConnection( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.serializers.SQLInstance.init( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializerConfig.configureSQL( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.v1r5.serializers.SQLSerializerConfig.configureSQL( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.bukkit.BukkitBattleShops.loadConfigFiles( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at mc.alk.shops.bukkit.BukkitBattleShops.onEnable( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R2.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.j( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.e( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.MinecraftServer.a( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R2.DedicatedServer.init( 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at 2013-04-10 18:26:03 [SEVERE] at

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

It just pops up, after a restart once a time

alkarinv commented 11 years ago

ok, well first. Looks like I have an error in my messages updater. so could you please delete your messages.yml before the next restart. It will be auto recreated.

Other than that, really confused, I've never seen this problem and I can't find anything online about it.

Does this prevent the plugin from working entirely? or is this just a on start error?

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

I have delete one messages.yml and one in folder "backup". But it still shows errors, however so far i can see, it works like it should. Maybe another plugin does affect your plugin?

alkarinv commented 11 years ago

Maybe it's another plugin ... but it doesnt seem like it in this case.

It's just strange, it looks like it's getting set up correctly, then just can't "close" an open connection ( which really doesn't even close it, just registers it as being unused with the pooling system I'm using). Anyway, it looks like a serious error... but in this case it's not.

Later today I'll get you a fix for this.

Alphadystopie commented 11 years ago

No problem, take your time, for now its still working, so im happy anyways :+1: