As an Alkemio user I want to explore deeper in the hierarchy through Space Explorer.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Space Explorer page should show subspaces inside subspaces no matter how deep in the tree, as long as the user has the privilege to see its profile (--> public space, public subspace, public sub-subspace)
Additional Context
At the moment the algorithm only digs up to sub-spaces (1st level deep).
As an Alkemio user I want to explore deeper in the hierarchy through Space Explorer.
Acceptance criteria
Additional Context
At the moment the algorithm only digs up to sub-spaces (1st level deep).
There is an attempt to implement recursive fetching in:
The difficulty lays on the authorization, we need to know if we are able to read a space before fetching its subspaces.
Screen shots / UX designs / data that are relevant.
Areas that will be affected
To be added during the refinement