alkem-io / client-web

Default web frontend, enabling browsing the Alkemio platform - so the hosted Challenges and communities collaborating around those Challenges.
European Union Public License 1.2
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VC - invite display & accept #6467

Closed bobbykolev closed 1 week ago

bobbykolev commented 1 week ago

You can use the following mutation to send invite, just add existing communityId and VC contributor ID:

mutation inviteContributorsToCommunity($contributorIds: [UUID!]!, $communityId: UUID!, $message: String) {
  inviteContributorsForCommunityMembership(invitationData: {
    invitedContributors: $contributorIds
    communityID: $communityId
    welcomeMessage: $message
  }) {

  "communityId": "",
  "contributorIds": [""],
  "message": "Custom message."