UPDATE: 5.8.24
As InnoPacks and Hubs are part of the account, they will be visible on the user's profile if any.
As the InnoPack section has a Create button, it's shown even if you don't have innovation packs yet.
[ ] Remove the create InnoPack option in the Global Administration.
As a user, I want to be able to manage my account and the entities it contains
Acceptance criteria
UPDATE: 5.8.24 As InnoPacks and Hubs are part of the account, they will be visible on the user's profile if any. As the InnoPack section has a Create button, it's shown even if you don't have innovation packs yet.
Additional Context
Figma (disregard the designs that are not part of this issue): https://www.figma.com/design/l0hLyZCBs5cxhpp5vUPAte/Account-page?node-id=186-106&t=AhyNIs3ukaS3wWt7-1
Areas that will be affected
To be added during the refinement