alkemann / stone_soup_cosplay

POC of a Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup scoreboard keeper for the Cosplay challenges
MIT License
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accept player's cool graphics for the week (URL with text caption) #28

Open RoGGa-loves-DCSS opened 5 years ago

kitchen-ace commented 5 years ago

Since I'm supposed to be reviewing/approving these, could you give a small description for what you mean so I don't have to comb through the discord log?

RoGGa-loves-DCSS commented 5 years ago

Currently, some players post cool screen captures on Discord while they are playing. These get lost quickly in the flow but Discord seems to store them for quite some time. Therefore, the player could submit the Discord URL to the graphic and enter a short description about the screen capture. These could then be available on a separate page for the week's challenge

kitchen-ace commented 5 years ago

That is a cool idea but I wonder how much it would actually get used. It would be nice, but also probably pretty low priority.

A cooler, but harder and therefore even lower priority idea, would be a bot that automatically adds images pasted into one of the discord channels. Pretty sure this is doable but that's a whole other framework to add.