alkemann / stone_soup_cosplay

POC of a Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup scoreboard keeper for the Cosplay challenges
MIT License
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Add an "overlay" when someone submits a run #54

Open RoGGa-loves-DCSS opened 5 years ago

RoGGa-loves-DCSS commented 5 years ago

The --more-- message stays on the page until someone clicks ---more---

Instead, use an "Overlay". see:

alkemann commented 5 years ago

Overlay is just a visual way of presenting a popup. It is still doing the same thing as we are here. Click to remove. The popup style with a darkerness on the rest of the content is not in style with the visual style of the crawl game, so this does not fit well in my opinion.

kitchen-ace commented 5 years ago


However it would be fine for the --more-- prompt to disappear when the user clicks another link, instead of having to dismiss it specifically.