On my android phone Ruggear RG160 the usage of dpad is preferable, as no touch screen at all and the touch emulation is not easy to use. So in this game it's possible move and choose the step with dpad only - that's awesome ! But UP movement moves the position up on board as well as totally shift the focus selection to the "back" app button (above the board). To restore focus I have to press DPAD DOWN - it returns the focus and doesn't move position down, so it's still possible to play with dpad only, but requires add DPAD DOWN press on any up movement. Is it possible to block focus shifting, please ?
If you want you could raise an issue at https://github.com/oers/reversatile, if this bug ist still present in reversatile (an up to date clone of this app)
On my android phone Ruggear RG160 the usage of dpad is preferable, as no touch screen at all and the touch emulation is not easy to use. So in this game it's possible move and choose the step with dpad only - that's awesome ! But UP movement moves the position up on board as well as totally shift the focus selection to the "back" app button (above the board). To restore focus I have to press DPAD DOWN - it returns the focus and doesn't move position down, so it's still possible to play with dpad only, but requires add DPAD DOWN press on any up movement. Is it possible to block focus shifting, please ?