allanhortle / JSX

Language Definitions for JSX files.
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Stop relying on semicolons to end syntax regexes #23

Open leonardpauli opened 6 years ago

leonardpauli commented 6 years ago

(class should be colored in both) image

flow worked pretty well before, but now seems pretty broken in many aspects. As a workaround, I've added to Package Control.sublime-settings:

"auto_upgrade_ignore": [

...and then unzipping this in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Installed\ Packages/JSX.sublime-package

(it also seems to break sublimelinter... might be my specific setup...)

thanks for the plugin :)

leonardpauli commented 6 years ago

image another one

allanhortle commented 6 years ago

Hey man thanks for the bug. Because sublime text syntaxes are based off regexes it becomes really hard to tell where certain things end. Currently all type/declare statements just wait for a semicolon. It's not the greatest solution so I'll see if I can find a better way.

I'll change the title of this issue to match. As far as the sublime linter problem goes do you have "jsx": "javascript", in your syntax map?