allanzelener / YAD2K

YAD2K: Yet Another Darknet 2 Keras
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Not detecting using custom model #65

Open filipetrocadoferreira opened 7 years ago

filipetrocadoferreira commented 7 years ago

I trained my own detector using original darknet code.

It works nice on the original code, when i'm trying to convert to yad2k format using the tutorial in the homepage I get :

Saved Keras model to object_yolo.h5
Read 67111984 of 67111985.0 from Darknet weights.
Warning: 1.0 unused weights

The truth is that the code runs ok but no detection is generated. All the outputs come empty

filipetrocadoferreira commented 7 years ago

I'm also checking that box_confidence out of yolo_head comes all zeros.

Can these be related to different number of classes (N=11?)

filipetrocadoferreira commented 7 years ago

Ok. Solved

Just change line 85 in

weights_header = np.ndarray(
        shape=(4, ), dtype='int32',

.read(16) - > .read(20)

filipetrocadoferreira commented 7 years ago

However the results are not the same.

richard-giantrobot commented 7 years ago

Did you ever get more info on this? How does the number of classes influence the buffer size?

I get the converter to work fine with the standard weights from But after training my own model in darknet and converting it to keras nothing can be found (with

Converting my darknet model to a .pb with darkflow works perfectly for our Android and Windows classifiers. But I'm looking to implement it in iOS with CoreML. Converting the darknet model to keras is a step in that proces. So currently I'm investigating how I could change the code in this converter to work with my own cfg file. Any advice is appreciated.

sarpsolakoglu commented 6 years ago

I also trained darknet with tiny-yolo-voc configuration for only one object. It works before conversion and detects the objects as expected but I cannot get it to work after conversion to h5. I see that in the scripts there are fixed 20 objects, I tried to change these to my own object but didn't work. Did anybody solve how to make this work with a custom object? I'm trying to get the detection to work on iOS and this is one step for it.

ededovets commented 6 years ago

Have the same issue..

anchors = 1.08,1.19,  3.42,4.41,  6.63,11.38,  9.42,5.11,  16.62,10.52

after conversion to .h5 with have no detections at all. Original darknet works fine. @allanzelener can you please help to find the way how to solve this?

.weights and .cfg available by link below:

img_0738 predictions 1

oishi89 commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue do you guys have any solution please update :(

yannviellard commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem with the conversion from darknet to keras that did not work. The solution to modify from @filipetrocadoferreira worked for me

weights_header = np.ndarray(
        shape=(4, ), dtype='int32',
sarpsolakoglu commented 6 years ago

@yannviellard that change gives me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 270, in <module>
  File "", line 156, in _main * 4))
TypeError: buffer is too small for requested array


oishi89 commented 6 years ago

@yannviellard @filipetrocadoferreira I got the same issue after changing weights_header = np.ndarray( shape=(4, ), dtype='int32', I'm planing to re training my model using but don't know how to create data_path like "path to numpy data file (.npz) containing np.object array 'boxes' and np.uint8 array 'images'" I'm a newbie in python please help

yochananscharf commented 6 years ago

@oishi89 Did you try the following: creat a directory called DATA and placing the .npz and .txt files inside. Then in the script change lines 29 and 35 to the right .npz and txt file names.

oishi89 commented 6 years ago

@yochananscharf I don't know how to convert my dataset into .npz template could you help

michaeldong commented 6 years ago

I suggest you see this link As answer say , YoloModel convert to Tensorflow ,use it. Or you want coreml, you can convert tf to coreml (offical). not through Keras!! My advise

iiroka commented 6 years ago

To be exact the complete fix would be:

weights_header = np.ndarray(
        shape=(4, ), dtype='int32',
if weights_header[0] > 0 or weights_header[1] > 1:

Reason being that in version 0.2.0 of the darknet weight format the seen field was changed from uint32 to uint64.

tgandor commented 5 years ago

@iiroka - Exaclty! Here's the snippet from parser.c in Darknet: int major = 0; int minor = 2; int revision = 0; fwrite(&major, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fwrite(&minor, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fwrite(&revision, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fwrite(net->seen, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp); size_t is usually 64-bit nowadays.

tgandor commented 5 years ago

So finally, I'd rather do it like this:

    weights_header = np.ndarray(shape=(3,), dtype='int32',
    if weights_header[0] > 0 or weights_header[1] > 1:
        seen = np.ndarray(shape=(1,), dtype='int64',
        seen = np.ndarray(shape=(1,), dtype='int32',
    print('Weights Header: ', weights_header, 'seen', seen)

(3 elements for version header, then parse seen separately)

ikaroso commented 3 years ago

So finally, I'd rather do it like this:

    weights_header = np.ndarray(shape=(3,), dtype='int32',
    if weights_header[0] > 0 or weights_header[1] > 1:
        seen = np.ndarray(shape=(1,), dtype='int64',
        seen = np.ndarray(shape=(1,), dtype='int32',
    print('Weights Header: ', weights_header, 'seen', seen)

(3 elements for version header, then parse seen separately)

for god's sake! man!!!! Your change is so good !! I have been torturing by this problem for like a whole day, xxing 24hours! You are my savior!