allanzelener / YAD2K

YAD2K: Yet Another Darknet 2 Keras
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[Logic Error] Function to find the `preprocess_true_boxes()` ? #95

Open guiyang882 opened 6 years ago

guiyang882 commented 6 years ago

        box = box[0:4] * np.array([conv_width, conv_height, conv_width, conv_height])
        i = np.floor(box[1]).astype('int')
        j = np.floor(box[0]).astype('int')

i, j may be rather than 1, and the index must be out of index !

nash100 commented 6 years ago

conv_height=conv_width=13 and box[0:4] means relative x, y, w, h, in the range [0, 1] indicating a percentage of the original image dimensions. [0,1]*13=[0,13] i,j is integer in the range [0, 12] will not out of index

guiyang882 commented 6 years ago

@nash100 , if you do something with the pascal voc dataset, you will find this problem. And I think, the Anchor box may be larger than 1.0.

nash100 commented 6 years ago

i did not retrain it with the pascal voc dataset,but it works well with data @shadySource give ( maybe you can compare your code with this

FanShuixing commented 5 years ago

I have meet the same question.when i run this model for pascal,it told me the index is out of the range.i found the reason is at this code in def process_data(images, boxes=None): '''processes the data''' images = [PIL.Image.fromarray(i) for i in images] orig_size = np.array([images[0].width, images[0].height]) orig_size = np.expand_dims(orig_size, axis=0) the orig_size is only looking at the first images,this process should have a precondition that all images's size are same. but for pascal,our images size is not all ,when we preprocess the box into (x_center,y_center,box_width,box_height), the boxes are not in range(0,1),we should divide by the real orig_size for every image.