allebb / pirrot

A radio repeater controller (supporting both simplex and duplex operation modes) for the RaspberryPi.
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Implement a web-interface #25

Closed allebb closed 4 years ago

allebb commented 4 years ago

Implement a simple/light-weight web interface (that can be enabled/disabled in configuration to save system resources if the user wishes).

The web interface, as well as providing several features such as:-

1) Ability to read and update the Pirrot configuration (essentially allowing you to update the /etc/pirrot.conf from a remote browser). 2) Access and playback (in the browser) recorded transmissions (if recording has previously been enabled in/etc/pirrot.conf). 3) Overview of CPU, Memory, Disk usage on the main dashboard. 4) Overview of Hardware vesion, OS version and system tempreture on the main dashboard.

allebb commented 4 years ago

RPi temp (degrees C) can be obtained using:

vcgencmd measure_temp | egrep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'
allebb commented 4 years ago

The main web interface functionality is now completed and will be released in Pirrot v2.0.0 closing this feature request.