Open hlupec opened 1 week ago
As this is asynchronized process - we have created a product but due to the additional verification on our side, it has been already removed (because of incorrect EAN: 8594420125006, which does not exist in GS1 database, which we use in our product catalog).
As this is asynchronized process - we have created a product but due to the additional verification on our side, it has been already removed (because of incorrect EAN: 8594420125006, which does not exist in GS1 database, which we use in our product catalog).
Ok, and there is no way how to find out through API, why product was deleted?
Not, at this time we do not return this information. Somewhat we have to create a product first, because we validate EAN code with GS1 database later. This process is asynchronized, but if you have any suggestions - you can send them on our dedicated Discussions panel.
Ok ;)
i have problem with proposing one product (others are proceed without any issue).
I'm sending request /sale/product-proposals for creating product with EAN 8594420125006. Response is without any error and contains product ID ... for now i have this one: 74a54772-94c1-4d2a-a886-b1141f7f3a2c
When I try to get product via searching (using ean as phrase) /sale/products or via product detail /sale/products/74a54772-94c1-4d2a-a886-b1141f7f3a2c i've got nothing :( I was trying to wait a minute (or hour) and still nothing. And again, this is only product i have problem with.