Open valery-zuev opened 1 month ago
Hello. You have mentioned that the warehouse receives an error from us, when trying to generate shipment label. It is more about authorization than order itself. The warehouse is authorized on different account and trying to create a label for the account which received this order. This is why we return an error. To create a shipment for an order from specific account, you have to be authorized on this account.
If you still have some doubts, please give send me a trace-id or commandId of your request.
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Hello! We are a fulfillment provider WAPI. We take the order from your Allegro system to us. Example of the order: c9e08c70-8ea1-11ef-adaf-8fac592b77cf We take the hash email:, method: Allegro Automat ORLEN Paczka. We pass this order data to the warehouse InPost, but the warehouse receives an error from you, when trying to generate shipment label: Validation errors. Allegro returned error: Field: - Nie jesteś właścicielem zamówienia. The warehouse InPost asks us to verify whether this order is really from this store - BodyEssentials. Orders are really coming from this store - we're sure and we checked this multiple times. It is for this delivery method that we continue to receive this error. Between our system and the warehouse system, the delivery method is authenticated and everything is fine with it (Body Essentials in Allegro has application and the warehouse system did authentication and connection's working). We also tried using these links to solve the problem, but the orders continue to fail. Can you please tell me what the problem is? All orders BodyEssentials' store (with this delivery mrethod - Allegro Automat ORLEN Paczka) have this error, and the warehouse cannot generate a label for them and send these orders. The warehouse tells us that they also have no idea why this problem appears. It's really important for us. Without this method seller BodyEssentials store can't have Smart badge. Please check and help us to solve this isssue. If you require this method for Smart badge please assist to us.