Open Promasy-Rob opened 1 month ago
@Promasy-Rob I do not see this login promasy-nl in our sandbox database. Please check it out closely and give me a correct login. Thank you.
I re-did the registration on with the same "login". I opted for a business account (that is what our users will be using). It says "We sent a message to [e-mail redacted] with an activation link.". Didn't get anything (also not in SPAM). The call to returns a "201 Created".
@Promasy-Rob Ok. I have checked the logs and I see that we've resent this e-mail on 2024-10-28 14:46:32.464. As it is an e-mail from sandbox environment, which does have eml* attachment (with the message), maybe it has been blocked by anti spam filter or something like that. Please check it out one more time.
Also please try to use this link - maybe it will help.
@Lukasz-Zurek Thanks, that seems to be working now. I am now waiting for the "Confirm your bank account" step (already uploaded "a random document").
@Promasy-Rob Great! I have just fully activated your account :)
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Can you please activate my sandbox account: username: promasy-nl